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It is a fun before-school program fostering curiosity and creativity in students at Eastlake Elementary School.

On this episode of the Supercast, we hear from members of the “Young Poets Society,” and have them read some of their original works. It is a society sparking a strong passion and appreciation for reading and writing poetry.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. It is a fun before-school program fostering curiosity and creativity in students at Eastlake Elementary School. On this episode of the Supercast, we hear from members of the “Young Poets Society” and have them read some of their original works. It is a society sparking a strong passion and appreciation for reading and writing poetry.

We're here with the “Young Poets Society” at Eastlake Elementary School. Tell me your name and what grade you're in.

My name's Ellie and I'm in fifth grade.

My name's Shayla and I'm in sixth.

My name is Jennah and I'm in sixth.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me, what is it that you love about poetry? Why did you want to be part of this group?

I think writing poetry is just really fun. It's kind of calming. Yeah.

Yeah, I agree with Ellie and it's like a nice way to get your emotions out without getting angry or sad at something.

I also like how you can, when you read it, it kind of just flows out of your mouth, kind of soothingly.

Anthony Godfrey:
The best poems do. Now do you guys read and write poetry as a part of this group? Tell me a little bit about what activities you're involved in with this group.

Mainly we write poems but occasionally we read the poems to understand how we write them so we can do it better and more effective.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you're learning from other authors. How about for you? What are the activities that stand out for you from this group?

I like how sometimes even when we will write poetry but there's also a ton of different kinds of poetry. Like we'll do blackout poetry where we just color in some of the other words and you can read the words that aren't colored in and it forms a poem.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, so you start with a poem and then black out some of the words to make make your own creation. Is that how that works?

Yeah pretty much.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay how about for you? What are some of your favorite activities with this group?

We used a colored pencil on black paper and we wrote down personification.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about personification.

We used onomatopoeias. We also make things that aren't like people or animals have like people like things I guess.

Anthony Godfrey:
Can any of you remember some examples of when you wrote something that involved personification or read something?

Like the flowers danced in the breeze.

Anthony Godfrey:
Very nice. Flowers don't actually dance but that's a great image. I love the sound of that. We also have Piper Wise here, the media assistant, who started all of this. Tell me why did you want to start the “Young Poets Society”?

Piper Wise:
When I was in fifth grade, a long long time ago, kids, I had a teacher that started a poetry group. And I was very shy, which no one believes these days but it was a great way for me to express myself, and I loved words ever since. And talking with Mrs. Blockburger and Mrs. Burr about how fun that was, we just decided wouldn't it be fun if we started one here? We thought maybe we'd have a couple of kids, but we have 25 kids and they're all very different from each other. So it's cool to see all different interest types and all different groups of kids coming together and learning about the power of words and taking that power for themselves because these kids have a lot to say.

Anthony Godfrey:
I was super impressed coming in early, early to school to read poetry and to write poetry. As a former language arts teacher my heart skips a beat when I see this. It's really exciting. So you were pretty surprised at the turnout it sounds like.

Piper Wise:
Yes, yes it's way bigger than we thought it would be and we love it. It's the best part of the day when we have poetry first. When we have our “Young Poets Society” at the beginning of the day because these kids are just so good and kind and smart and funny. And I don't think you guys realize how much we love it and I'm glad that you guys do too.

Anthony Godfrey:
I was impressed at how quickly students were connecting with the poetry. And I love that the discussions are structured in a way that pulls out their personal reaction to it. Have you been surprised by some of the reactions over time as you've met as young poets?

Piper Wise:
Yeah, and some of the stuff they write as well. I mean, working in the library, you get to know students because of what they read, but you can get even more knowledge about them and their souls and their hearts and their desires and their fears and their hopes and by what they write. So it's really interesting how we can give one cue, one assignment, and then everybody's poems are so different. And we're learning all different types of poems so they can see, if I don't like this type, I can try this type and there's no wrong poem. Nothing they write down is wrong. So that's really encouraging too. I think they're just free to write whatever they need to.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's true. It is nice to start the day knowing you're going to be right no matter what.

Piper Wise:
Right, yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
And with poetry, as you've described, you learn more about the world around you, you learn more about other people, but you also learn more about yourself, and you test your own emotions and your own needs and interests. So, and that was evident. That was on display. It's really, really impressive to see this group.

Piper Wise:
They're a really good group.

Anthony Godfrey:
How does it make you feel to know that you've inspired these students to love poetry the way they do?

Piper Wise:
It makes my heart three times bigger. I just, I feel so proud of these kids and I think they're wonderful and it gives me hope for the future as someone looking backwards. As an adult looking backwards, I just think the world's gonna be okay with these guys in charge because they have a lot figured out.

Anthony Godfrey:
Did it take a little while for you to feel comfortable in the group sharing your emotional reaction to poetry?


Anthony Godfrey:
So over time as you get used to the group a little bit, is that a little bit easier?

Yeah, because you know these people aren't gonna judge you over it.

Anthony Godfrey:
How about expressing your emotions through poetry? Was that difficult at first or is that something that came naturally?

I think it really just depends on the person.

Yeah, because for me it came a little bit more naturally because sometimes it's harder for me to display emotions other ways so going through poetry is a fun and easy way. And when you come to like these you gain new friends.

Anthony Godfrey:
So there's a deeper connection with others and that allows you to express yourself in ways that you might not have otherwise.

Piper Wise:
We work to make the library a safe place this should be the most peaceful safest place in the school in my opinion. I'm biased but that's okay and so it makes me happy to know that kids can come in here and feel safe writing things also. So I like that too.

Anthony Godfrey:
I love that. Thank you for everything that you're doing to make that possible.

Piper Wise:
You're welcome.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're here now with Aliya and Bennett. Aliya, tell me what you love about this poetry group.

I love that everybody can just access their feelings without being shy and the teachers are wonderful. And I just love doing poetry every other Wednesday. It's just a great group and I love the things we do together.

Anthony Godfrey:
Did it take a little bit of time to warm up to feeling comfortable sharing those feelings?

I mean it didn’t take long because I know most of these people here. I mean they're all great and the teachers, Miss Burr was my fifth-grade teacher and Miss Wise and Miss Blockburger were and are our library teachers, so it didn't really take long for me.

Anthony Godfrey:
And have you gotten to know the other students in the group well over time as you've met as young poets?

I mean yeah, we've sat together sometimes and we've talked together we've got to know each other a little bit.

Anthony Godfrey:
How about for you Bennett? What do you love about being here?

Because I like doing poetry and it's fun. Ms. Burr is my fifth-grade teacher and so it's pretty fun and I just like it a ton.

Anthony Godfrey:
So it's pretty fun and I like it a ton. See you just rhyme naturally. The poetry just flows from you Bennett. Tell me what is it that you like most? Is it reading or writing poetry?

I like writing poetry.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. What were some of the poems you've written? Tell me about them.

I wrote a shamrock. I wrote a letter tree.

Anthony Godfrey:

A letter tree.

Anthony Godfrey:
A letter tree? Tell me about a letter tree.

It's where, I'm pretty sure it's where like, so there's the first two lines rhyme, the first two words.

Anthony Godfrey:

And then the next two lines, they rhyme, and then the last rhyme rhymes with the first two lines.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, okay. Do you kind of like the structure where there are rules that you have to follow and make the imagery and make your words fit the rules?


Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah, I kind of like that too. There are forms of poetry that I've really liked over the years where you have to use the same words kind of in different order and kind of move things around. How about you Daphne, what have you loved about being in this group?

I love this group because I'm not much of a reader, but the words just naturally flow in me. So I've always just, I mean I joined late in the year so I just really enjoy this.

Anthony Godfrey:
Do you like Shel Silverstein's “Invitation” this morning?

It really gave inviting you to a warm fire and talk about books and fantasy.

Anthony Godfrey:
Any poems that are favorites of yours, Aliya?

I really love the whole book Where The Sidewalk Ends. I feel like that book just has a bunch of good ones.

Anthony Godfrey:
And sometimes there's a little surprise in the poem that I really like. What other poetry do you like.

I love, I love poetry that's funny, but I also love poetry that makes, that's quite literal and like not sad but like it has like a true meaning that's what I like.

Anthony Godfrey:
I'm so impressed that you guys have delved into this. What do your parents think of the fact that you want to come early for a poetry group?

My mom, she likes it. She thinks it's pretty cool and my dad thinks it too. They think it's like cool and I think they think that it's good for my mind and soul.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think it's a great way to start the day. How about you Bennett?

I think they like it because I used to like not be involved in anything and now I'm involved in a ton of things and I really like it. And I think my parents like it too.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think it's fantastic. I'm really impressed with you and the whole group. And who knows? I may have to just stop by and start my day this way again because it's pretty awesome.
Stay with us. When we come back our young budding poets share some of their original works.

Hello, I'm Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications for Jordan School District, and we want to invite you to connect with us. So many exciting things are happening in your child's school, your neighbor's school, in every school here, every day. Don't miss out on following the fun or simply staying informed when there's important information we need to share. Join us at, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @jordandistrict. We can't wait to connect.

Anthony Godfrey:
Do you have some poetry that you've written that you can read for me? Any of you.

That’s why we brought our folders. Yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. Sounds good, Shayla. How about let's start with you? Tell me before you read it, can you tell me a little bit about this poem and what you were hoping to accomplish with it?

I just wanted to write a funny poem about leprechauns.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay, and who doesn't?

I know.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right, so let's hear it.

They travel from town to town,
they are green and wear a black crown.
To be small is to be
able to see
all the people frown.

Anthony Godfrey:
Very nice, I like it. They seem impish in this poem. Okay, let's hear yours.

Okay, this is an onomatopoeia poem.

Anthony Godfrey:

In a big winter city, I hear children play,
yell, squill, giggle, laugh, cry.
In a big winter city, I hear people walking in the snow,
crunch, crush, slush, splish, splash.
In a big winter city, I hear a band play music,
ooh, mmm, blah, whistle, tap, ring.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell me, for those who are listening, what does onomatopoeia mean?

Just sounds that sound like, that sound like what they mean.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah, exactly. So can you read, let's go back through that and tell me some of the examples of words that sound like they're meaning.

There was crunch.

Anthony Godfrey:
Crunch. You can just hear the snow. Crunch.

Yeah. Splish splash. There was ooh and mmm.

Anthony Godfrey:
All packaged neatly in a poem that flows really well and makes the most of those sounds. I think that's really cool. Do you have one that you can read for us as well?

This is one of my first onomatopoeia poems.
The bird in the forest, a little bird jumps, thud.
In a forest, a little bird squawks, squawk.
In a forest a little bird flies, swoosh swoosh
In a forest a little bird lands on a tree, creak creak.
In a forest a little branch goes crack, crack, crack.

Anthony Godrey:
Very cool. What are some of your favorite words in there?

I liked it when you can use swoosh and crack because it really shows how the way it's moving.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's great in the poem even when you say swoosh and crack you can just you can really hear the meaning of the word. That's awesome. Do you guys notice words in a different way now that you've been reading poetry and writing it? Are there some words that kind of leap out at you as having a particularly interesting sound or interesting meaning?


Anthony Godfrey:

I like hope.

Anthony Godfrey:
Hope. Tell me about the word hope.

Because it really shows like if something's sad you can really you can go read a poem with hope or something, like with the bird poem, that one. With the bird is hope, that one.

Anthony Godfrey:
Have you been reading and writing poetry for a while now? Was it before this year or did you just start this year?

Before. I started writing them when around I was nine, because I was encouraged by one of my teachers at my old school to write a poem about basically anything. So one of my first poems was about fire, because that was when we were getting a lot of fires and smoke from the California and Oregon fires.

Anthony Godfrey:

So yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
And do you remember feeling like that lit a spark for your poetry love?

Metaphorically and literally.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, very well done, thank you, yes. And how about for you, when did you first start loving poetry?

It was last year. I just thought it sounded fun, so I decided to join Poets Society.

Anthony Godfrey:
What does it mean to you that the adults in the building here are so willing to spend their time and create this experience for you?

Honestly, I think it's really nice of them though because a lot of us are actually really annoying sometimes, so to be fair.

Anthony Godfrey:
Does the poetry make you less annoying?

Yeah, probably.

Anthony Godfrey:
One more benefit of poetry.

I also think it helps to give them a break from the rest of our classes. That can sometimes be a bit of a handful.

Anthony Godfrey:
So this is a good reward for them to get to spend some time talking about poetry.

It's also a good reward for me so I can get a break from them.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's good for everybody. It's good for me. I actually feel energized getting to hear those discussions. We were going to hold this interview and I just couldn't resist. I keep looking through the window like, "Hey, there's some other poems that I'm missing out there. How about for you? What do you think?

I just really like it.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's great. That's the best endorsement you can you can give. What would you say to students who might hear this and think about starting one of their own or other adults who might want to start this up at their elementary school?

Piper Wise:
I would say do it. It's worth your time. It's worth every second you spend extra working on things and working on lessons because as you feel the reward is giant and it's a feeling is the reward and it's it's really good. What would you say if someone's thinking about being part of something like this.

Yeah I mean if you don't like it you don't have to come but if you do it's another thing that you get to love.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well thanks for spending time talking with me about your poetry and most of all thanks for spending time on poetry. Sitting together, writing, reading, and just having this great experience that I'm sure you'll never forget.

Thank you.

Thank you for coming.

Piper Wise:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you will do today. We'll see you out there.

They are a valuable resource for families dealing with complicated challenges involving stress, depression, anxiety, even suicide.

On this episode of the Supercast, we sit down with the Cook Center for Human Connection to find out how they are helping families access some of the very best programs available in fostering strong mental health. They are a force for good in the community and Jordan School District is a partner, hoping to help families in need of life-saving services.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. They are a valuable resource for families dealing with complicated challenges, including stress, depression, anxiety, and even suicide. On this episode of the Supercast, we sit down with the Cook Center for Human Connection to find out how they are helping families access some of the very best programs available in fostering strong mental health. They are a force for good in the community and Jordan School District is a partner, hoping to help families in need of life-saving and life-improving services.

We’re here with Anne Brown, the President and CEO of the Cook Center for Human Connection. Anne, thanks for joining us.

Anne Brown:
Thank you, Dr. Godfrey, for having me.

Anthony Godfrey:
I'm looking forward to talking with you about some of the resources that are offered to our parents and employees through the Cook Center. And I know that we recently had a representative come and speak with school community council chairs at our district-wide school community council meeting. And they were really enthusiastic to hear about some of the things that are being offered. We've emailed the information out before and we've shared it on our website, but I thought this would be a good chance for us to sit down and talk a little bit more about all the great things that parents have access to, to help them with their kids.

Anne Brown:
Yeah, absolutely. We are happy to be providing these services to you. We have two things. One thing is on your website, there's a little circle medallion that is called is a place for parents to go and be able to find information when they might be dealing with difficult parts of parenting. Things like my child struggling with anxiety or depression, or perhaps their child is cutting, or they could even be experiencing some suicide ideation.

There's courses that are directed specifically for parents that are struggling with these needs and every course is done by a licensed therapist or a psychologist or a psychiatrist. So it's kind of like finding that friend that you could really get some great advice from when you're struggling with something that might be very difficult in your family. So that's available on your website for any family in your district to access, to be able to have. And that's done through a grant from the Cook Center, we make it available to any school district anywhere in the country.

Anthony Godfrey:
And that is really like having a very informed professional friend that can help you with some very specific concerns.

Anne Brown:
Absolutely, yes. And in addition, it's not all about just the problems of parenting. There's also courses on there, there's one called Parenting with a Purpose, and that just, you know, one of the things I always talk about is that not every parent has had child development courses. So you're an educator, I'm an educator by trade. I've had child development courses, but perhaps if you were a young mother, you maybe never had an opportunity to have a child development course. But also, if you're a Harvard MBA, you may not have ever had an opportunity to have a child development course. So it really, it really stretches the gamut. Every parent can always use a little tune-up. So this is things like the tone of voice that you use, how to set boundaries, how to just be more present for your child. That's some of the parenting with the purpose things.

We also have courses on there that are things like how to understand the emotional development of your child at certain ages because as kids go through different stages, their emotions change. What's going on with a child who's five to eleven years old may be very different than a child who's nineteen to twenty years old. And so we have courses at these different stages in their life. I think there's a whole series that's five or six courses, to help parents kind of level set and know, you know, what are emotions you should be concerned about and what are emotions that are just present because that's the age that the child is.

So we have, you know, not everything is about negative things that are happening in your life as a parent. Some things are just about the normal every day and how can you help and understand more. And then also on parent guidance, there are courses that are kind of self-help for the parents, so how to calm your anxious mind, how to rewrite self-beliefs, how to find everyday happiness. Just some of those kind of things, just to kind of help with your mindfulness and helping you find peace in your own life. So it's a really nice collection of resources, and everything is designed specifically to be talking to you as a parent.

Anthony Godfrey:
I really like that it's private, that it's anonymous, and it's on demand.

Anne Brown:
In their home.

Anthony Godfrey:
In their home. So you can really choose how you want to engage and I would really encourage anybody listening to take a look because there's a long list of options. Options you probably wouldn't think about even as you mentioned some of the offerings. It's just something you might not think there would be specific help for. And really, it's nice to be able to access information that is well vetted, comes from an expert, because when you're just searching randomly online for help with certain problems, you don't know whether you can trust that source. And this is a trustworthy source.

Anne Brown:
It is. And also, when you're looking online, it may not be directed to you as a parent.

Anthony Godfrey:

Anne Brown:
And so this is directed to you. What we say is that at Cook Center, we help educators, which is you, Dr.Godfrey, help parents, help their children. And we're very specific with that because we know where families are is in the schools. Parents are in the schools, kids are in the schools, and families are more likely to access resources when they're available from schools. But parents may not be quite ready, given whatever situation they're dealing with at home, they may not be quite ready to go ask for help. So having this privately on demand in their home makes a big difference, but having it available through their school website makes it accessible to everyone in your district.

Anthony Godfrey:
And as we've talked about ways to help parents and to help employees, one of the obstacles is not wanting to ask for help, not wanting to lose the anonymity. And that's what I love is that you can engage with at the level that you'd like.

Anne Brown:
Yes, yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
Let's pull it up really quick and let's just take a look at some of the topics that are available. Okay, so I'm clicking on courses at I mean the splash page is, Are You Worried About Your Child? And we all are to some degree or another. We're just worried about making sure that we're doing the very best we can for our child. Here are a few of them.

Connect with your child by parenting with purpose.

Helping your child when they're bullied.

What parents need to know about suicide prevention.

Understanding your child's emotional development, like you said, five to ten years, eleven to fourteen years.

Protecting our children by staying aware and involved.

Social media, everyday happiness, stopping the yo-yo food cycle. I don't know what that is, but I'm probably on it.

Finding yourself when you're feeling lost.

How to let go of your deepest regrets.

These are some great topics and it's so nice to have all this accessible right here. So I hope that anyone listening will take a look and I'm sure there's something for everybody here. You can also look at the library by topic.

Fatigue, resentment, school, business, frustration, technology, teenager, parenting tips, grief and loss. It's a wide range of topics that you can just click and access and it's really remarkable that this has been pulled together. It's very generous of the Cook Center to make this available.

Anne Brown:
And you can also build your own playlists through different topics. So if you're the parent of a young child, I believe there's a preschool section that you can click on and then it will build all of the courses that might have to do with preschool.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah, I just tried that out. Tap on depression, tap on exhaustion, and it just pulls up a list of relevant classes. It's fantastic.

Anne Brown:
And every class is about an hour long, but they're separated into about five-minute segments. So a family could or a parent could sit down and listen to the whole course start to finish, but they may just have one section that they really want to focus on and be able to click right to that section so they don't have to watch the whole thing at once if they don't want to.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us. When we come back, find out how families can benefit from the parent coaching offered by the Cook Center for Human Connection.

Are you looking for a job right now? Looking to work in a fun and supportive environment with great pay and a rewarding career? Jordan School District is hiring. We're currently filling full and part-time positions. You can work and make a difference in young lives and education as a classroom assistant or a substitute teacher. Apply to work in one of our school cafeterias where our lunch staff serves up big smiles with great food every day. We're also looking to hire custodians and bus drivers. In Jordan School District we like to say people come for the job and enjoy the adventure. Apply today at

Anthony Godfrey:
Jordan School District has contracted with the Cook Center to provide parent coaching and we have quite a number of families who are using that. And the families who've signed up have continued to use it once they've started. Tell us about what is involved there and what's available to families.

Anne Brown:
Yeah, so family coaching is available to any family in the Jordan School District. It’s made available through the school district, through the Cook Center. And how Family Coaching works is right on you can go to a section called Parent Coaching. You fill out what's called a confidential questionnaire. That questionnaire goes directly to our therapy team. It is HIPAA protected. It's completely anonymous. It doesn't get reported back to the district. No one has access to your information other than the coach that you'll be working with.

Within 24 hours, a family will be contacted by the coach, and that coach can provide up to a half an hour a week of service to any family in the Jordan District. You just identified that you're from Jordan. And we've had about 80 families access this over the past year, and they have received about 2,900 sessions to support the families in the Jordan School District.

The coaches work with the families on whatever they're struggling with at the moment. Some families stay in for a month and some families stay in for a year, and that's fine. They get access to an app, and that app gives them communication access to their coach. So it's not a crisis line. It's definitely a preventative line, but if they need to get in contact with their coach, they have a way to do that through this app, and the coach will contact them within 24 hours. And then the coaches work on the family schedule, and just, you know, work forward from there to help them with whatever their needs are.

Anthony Godfrey:
And like you said, this is, this is not an emergency access, the sort of program. This is a program to help provide coaching and support to families who may be going through some difficulties.

Anne Brown:
Yes, yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
So they don't have to be severe difficulties. It's just, “Hey, I need to talk with someone about how best to approach this particular situation.”

Anne Brown:
Absolutely and we've had everything, you know, we've had everything from families that are going through divorce to we've had young families say, "How do I get my child to use an inside voice.” So the inside voice one might be, you know, you have one coaching session but the family who's going through a divorce, you know, the coach might be by their side for the, you know for six or nine months or even further.

And then you know we've had some severe ones and if it's too severe we ask them to reach out to the 988 lifeline and you know get that crisis intervention when they need it. But for the most part, we're helping families just be stronger, helping parents be stronger parents and feel more confident in their parenting. It's not therapy. We're very clear about this is not therapy.

Anthony Godfrey:

Anne Brown:
It's coaching to be able to help the—it's just like if you were a ski racer, you're going to have a coach that's going to help you go faster, help you become a better ski racer. This is just the same thing. You have a coach that helps you know some of those tricks of parenting that can help you be a stronger parent.

Anthony Godfrey:
And I think it's important that you emphasize coach. Everybody has a coach. The best players have a coach. You're always trying to get better. You're always trying to tweak your game and increase your abilities. And parenting is not a specific science, so having someone to bounce things off of and get some coaching is a big help.

So that's the other thing about it, is it's anonymous, but it's for a wide range of purposes. And there are the preset classes, there's the individual coaching. I'm just thrilled that we have this range of options available from the Cook Center for Parents.

Anne Brown;
Thank you, and we are so happy to be your partner in your mental health journey for your families. Thank you for having us.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about the evolution of the Cook Center. You've been with them from the start.

Anne Brown:
I have.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think it's a remarkable story, and a lot of people will be interested to know that it's based in Utah, started right here.

Anne Brown:
It was, just started down the road in Utah. So the Cook Center for Human Connection, we're a nonprofit, we're focused on mental health and suicide prevention, as we've been talking about. We were started by Greg and Julie Cook. Greg is one of the founders of doTERRA Essential Oils. And Greg and Julie have had the opportunity now to consider how to give back to their community.

One of the first places that they decided to give back was many people on this call probably know, but there will be a new primary children's medical center built in Lehi, Utah, and they were approached to be the first donors to that. So they donated $10 million to bring Primary Children's Medical Center to Utah County. And when they did that, they wanted to give anonymously and the people who were doing the fundraising said, "Please don't, because when you are public about your donation, that provides a halo effect and will bring others to the table to help donate.” So their $10 million donation has now helped spur $450 million that's helping build that, will be the amount needed to build that hospital.

Anthony Godfrey:

Anne Brown:
And why that story plays into mental health is when Greg and Julie made that donation, they were asked to direct it into something so it could have been, you know, emergency room or cardiac or, you know, pediatric orthopedics or something like that. But they were given a chart and it had this little teeny, teeny, tiny sliver and they said, "Well, what's that one?” And they said, "That's behavioral health. That's the hardest place to get funding.” This was 2018, so this was before the pandemic. And they just, from that, they reflected back on early in their marriage when a young boy who was 11 years old in their neighborhood died by suicide. And they thought, "How can that be the hardest place to get funding when this is happening in our state?”

At about that same time, a report came back on Utah Mental Health from the Kemp Gardner Institute and it talked about how the fact that 60% of people in this state that need mental health services can't find them, and also in most states in the country, suicide is the second leading cause of death for 10-year-olds to 24-year-olds, but in Utah it's the first leading cause of death. All of those things came together at once, this donation to the hospital, this reliving of this young boy dying by suicide in their neighborhood and them being involved in that moment because the father was out of town and Greg had to help the mother at that time. And then this report coming out and finding out that Behavioral Health is the hardest place to get funding, and they said, "Wow, this is the cause that we need to put our resources behind.”

So they went beyond just that initial donation and created the Cook Center, brought me in as their first employee, my background is all in schools and education and working with superintendents as well as Ed Tech. And we just did some research and discovered that there is a real marrying point that we can provide these resources to parents, get more people on the team of mental health, provide more access to mental health through our and through the coaching through schools.

Anthony Godfrey:

Anne Brown:
Reduce stigma, because if we're talking about it with families, we're reducing the stigma. And you know, we were just able to bring together this whole plan. And interestingly enough, our U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, he didn't come on the scene until 2020, but when you look at the things that he's laid out, it's like what needs to happen. He talks about we need more people, we need more access, we need to support schools, and we need to reduce stigma. And we're doing that. And so, you know, we know we're on the right track to be helping in this space.

So at the Cook Center we do two things. We give and we serve. So a lot of what we've talked about right now is the things that we do to serve.

Anthony Godfrey:

Anne Brown: and My Life is Worth Living. We also have a grants program. Our first year we funded about 60 Hope Squads around the country. Last year we funded about twenty schools with a program called Choose Kindness that helps schools change to a culture of kindness. And this year we're really proud that we funded twenty-six calm rooms around the country. One of those schools was here in Jordan. I think it was Bingham High School, correct?

Anthony Godfrey:
I think it was, yes.

Anne Brown:
And so, you know, super proud to be supporting. I know we did five schools in the state of Utah and then nationally with the other twenty or so grants that we funded, there were about 14 other states represented.

Anthony Godfrey:
It makes a big difference. We've seen a huge decrease in referrals to the office, especially at the elementary level.

Anne Brown:
Yes, really proud of both the things that we do to serve schools and the things that we do to be able to give to schools. And it's all made possible through the generous donations of the Cook family to the foundation.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, it's great to have you as a partner and it's a great complement to the school psychologists, and counselors, and teachers, and other social workers, other professionals that we have at the schools. This is an important component to that overall plan of helping support students, families, parents, and employees. So, thank you for being an important part of that.

Anne Brown:
Thank you. Thanks for allowing us to be part of it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you will do today. We'll see you out there.

She is living her dream, working as a special education teacher at South Jordan Middle School, making a difference in the lives of students every day.

But Lauryn Macedone saw another dream come true not too long ago, when she was a contestant on the wildly popular show “The Voice,” selected to be a part of Alicia Keys’ team.

On this episode of the Supercast, we meet this superstar teacher and musician who has a heart of gold and a voice that turned heads around the nation, and turned the chairs of three judges on “The Voice.”

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. She is living her dream, working as a special education teacher at South Jordan Middle School, making a difference in the lives of students every day. But Lauryn Macedone saw another dream come true not too long ago when she was a contestant on the wildly popular show, “The Voice”, selected to be a part of Alicia Keys' team. On this episode of the Supercast, we meet this superstar teacher and musician who has a heart of gold and a voice that turned heads around the nation and turned the chairs of judges on “The Voice”.

We're here with Lauryn Macedone, a teacher at South Jordan Middle School, talking to her about her experience on “The Voice”. Thanks for taking a few minutes with us.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you so much for having me. I'm grateful to be here.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me a little bit about your teaching career, first of all.

Lauryn Macedone:
Okay. Yeah. So I actually just started in January, just finished my student teaching at Copper Hills High School, and then this is my first job, so I'm really excited to be here. I'm in special education here at South Jordan Middle School. I'm in the autism classroom specifically, so an autism support classroom. I have seven students and get to help them meet their individual needs and get to help them in their education, so it's awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
That’s fantastic. I love a good mid-year hire. <Laugh>. Tell me what made you want to be a special education teacher?

Lauryn Macedone:
Oh, that's such a good question. I've known it since eighth grade. I took a peer tutoring class when I was in middle school, had an awesome teacher, met incredible individuals with disabilities who just inspired me. And I knew from then on that I wanted to help them and I wanted to be on their side, and I wanted to be their cheerleader to help them reach their goals and dreams that they have in life.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is a great peer tutor success story, and there are a lot of those out there. It's such a great experience for kids to get to know someone who might be a little bit different from them or from their friends. And I think it changes you permanently when you have that experience.

Lauryn Macedone:
Totally. We're so grateful for all of our peer tutors here. Like we have such a good peer tutoring program and are so grateful for all the students that take a class period out of their day to come and help others and learn from them as well. It’s awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
And I love to see your enthusiasm and excitement for your new role here at South Jordan Middle.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
It is kind of hard to come in the middle of the year and jump in, but it sounds like it's gone really well for you.

Lauryn Macedone:
It has. This school is so supportive, the admin so supportive. I have a ton of awesome aides in my classroom that are super helpful and it just made the transition really smooth.

Anthony Godfrey:
Good. That makes a big difference. We've struggled to hire classroom assistants throughout the district. and it makes all the difference when you have that kind of support.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. We're very lucky here. We have amazing aides, so it's awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
And tell me about your student teaching experience. You were at Copper Hills, another great school.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. I loved my student teaching. I was with an awesome mentor teacher, Jacque Sheppick. She taught me so much, was an incredible example. I was in a life skills class over there with 14 students with differing abilities and was able to teach them everything from math to restaurant skills. And it was awesome. We taught everything in between and it was super fun.

Anthony Godfrey:
She does an awesome job. She and her students were on the Supercast a couple of weeks ago as well. It's a great program everywhere you look in every school. It's exciting and it's an inclusive way of providing a great education for students of all abilities.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. Yeah. That's something that I've loved the most about being in Jordan School District, is that I feel like there is so much inclusion in every school that I've been in during my education. I did a practicum placement here, did my student teaching here, and now I'm a teacher here. And every school that I went to was so inclusive and that just runs through all the schools and it's really, really amazing to see.

Anthony Godfrey:
We work hard at that. So it's great to hear that from you.

Lauryn Macedone:
It's great.

Anthony Godfrey:
Let's talk about your career with “The Voice” as well. So how long ago were you on “The Voice”?

Lauryn Macedone:
So it was about six years ago. I was 16 and 17 years old throughout the whole process. I was a junior in high school. And actually kind of coincidentally my blind audition aired six years ago today.

Anthony Godfrey:
Really? Wow.

Lauryn Macedone:
So today was the day <laugh> six years ago. I was so excited that my friends would be able to see my blind audition and they would finally know why I was missing so much school, <laugh> and all of the things.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you couldn't really tell people that you were even trying out or involved or anything like that?

Lauryn Macedone:
No, no. I couldn't tell them until about a month before. And so I just told people that I had a music opportunity and missed a lot of school, but it was super great and it was a great experience.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now let's go back a step. Tell me what got you interested in singing and your singing career up until then.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. I have been singing ever since I could talk if you ask any of my family members. I would give them shows all the time. <Laugh> Whenever there was a fireplace, that was my stage, I was standing on it. I was singing loud and proud for everyone to hear. I would watch like Disney movies and sing along with the princesses and all the things. And so I've been performing ever since I can remember. I went to a performing arts preschool when I was younger.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, wow.

Lauryn Macedone:
And I did plays there too. It's just in my blood. I knew I loved to sing and love to perform.

Anthony Godfrey:
Is there a type of song that you like to sing in particular?

Lauryn Macedone:
It's changed over the years. I started a lot with musical theater and then I kind of jumped. I wanted to be a country singer and now I feel like I finally found myself as an artist. And I love like singer-songwriter style music. I am really inspired by like the sixties, the seventies artists, like Carole King, Joni Mitchell, stuff like that.

Anthony Godfrey:
There is some great singer-songwriter stuff available during that era.

Lauryn Macedone:
Oh yes.

Anthony Godfrey:

And they probably told you I'm a huge music fan. I go to a lot of concerts and live music is a big deal for me. So it's exciting to talk with you and to hear about this experience now.

Lauryn Macedone:
That's fun.

Anthony Godfrey:
Was "The Voice" your particular focus or were there other shows that you considered or tried out for as well?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah, that's a great question. I always had people telling me growing up, like, oh, you should audition for “The Voice” or “American Idol”. And I always had it in the back of my mind as something that I wanted to do. But I actually did a voice competition in Provo and they sent my video to “The Voice” and “The Voice” actually reached out to me to come and participate in their audition process.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you did a voice audition in Provo?

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
But it was an audition for the show specifically, or was it for something else?

Lauryn Macedone:
It was something else.

Anthony Godfrey:
What was that for?

Lauryn Macedone:
It was just a little voice competition in Provo that my parents and I were like, let's just go do it. Sounds like fun. You can go just compete, meet other local artists. So I just went and it was more like a networking opportunity and they were awesome and sent my video to “The Voice” and the rest is history. Yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. Now people tell you you should try out for “The Voice” and for me they say you should try out for the trivia shows <laugh>, where you can name that song, name that tune, name the artist. It's the Shazam show.

Lauryn Macedone:
You should! You should. There you go.

Anthony Godfrey:
So I can't perform it. I just listen to people like you who can perform it. So the audition, you didn't even know you were auditioning for “The Voice”?

Lauryn Macedone:
Not really. Yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me what it feels like when "The Voice" contacts you and you weren't even expecting it.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was crazy. I can remember that moment like it was yesterday. I remember it was after a dance class and I was with my cousin and a friend and we were at Bahama Bucks getting some shaved ice. We were just enjoying our time. And I opened up my email and I saw an email from “The Voice”, and I think I, like, I read it at least 10 times <laugh>, just to make sure that it was real, that I was reading it correctly. I called my mom crying. I was like, I don't know what's happening right now. But it was surreal. It was crazy, but it was really cool. So I had to go through a pretty lengthy audition process. There were lots of auditions before you see the blind audition on tv, but just went through that whole process, kept getting through and it was super amazing and super humbling. I didn't expect it at all.

Anthony Godfrey:
Did they ask you to come up with what song you wanted to sing? And did you have to vary that song at each stage of the audition?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. It was different. Some auditions, they asked for four songs, some auditions, they asked for two songs. Some they picked my song, some I got to pick. But the original video that was sent to “The Voice” I sang Girls Just Want To Have Fun, kind of my own rendition of it. And that song stuck with me the whole time. I sang it at every single one of my auditions. And then that was a song that I sang for my blind audition too. So it was kind of my good luck charm.

Anthony Godfrey:
What a great choice. What a great choice.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was great. It was awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
How many songs did you end up singing for them? Not including the one that you sent in or that they sent in on your behalf? How many songs did you sing before you ended up in the blind audition? Or how many times did you sing a song?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah, I think it was four times if I'm remembering correctly.

Anthony Godfrey:
And is this for like producers or people behind the scenes? People with clipboards leaning close as you sing?

Lauryn Macedone:
<Laugh> Yep. In a dark room, ambient lighting, like yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. Yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:

Okay, so it's kind of how like I pictured it.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yep. <Laugh>.

Anthony Godfrey:
And did you think, well, I'm pretty lucky to get this far, so I'll just give it a shot? Or were you feeling the pressure?

Lauryn Macedone:
Both, both. I saw so many talented people around me. Everyone that auditioned, I was like, whoa, they're so good. I was so intimidated. I was very intimidated. But I just, I was lucky. My parents were there with me throughout the whole experience and they just said, you're amazing, like, keep going. They were really my big cheerleaders and even when I felt like I wasn't good enough to be there, they helped me to realize that they saw something in me and so I should just keep going. And it was very humbling and I learned a lot from the experience of just to push through and to keep going and to believe in myself too.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us. When we come back, Lauren Macedone sings for us.

Are you looking for a job right now? Looking to work in a fun and supportive environment with great pay and a rewarding career? Jordan School District is hiring. We're currently filling full and part-time positions. You can work and make a difference in young lives and education as a classroom assistant or a substitute teacher. Apply to work in one of our school cafeterias where our lunch staff serves up big smiles with great food every day. We're also looking to hire custodians and bus drivers. In Jordan School District we like to say people come for the job and enjoy the adventure. Apply today at

Anthony Godfrey:

Describe for those who may not watch "The Voice" what's the structure of the show and how does it work?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. So there are about four rounds that are prerecorded and that go on before they go to live shows. So there's a blind audition where you get to perform for four of the judges.

Anthony Godfrey:
And the judges are famous musicians.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
Who are then trying to pick someone who wins the competition. And the prize for the competition is a recording contract.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
Probably the home version, the board game version of "The Voice".

Lauryn Macedone:
Yep. There you go.

Anthony Godfrey:
But along the way, their chairs are turned away from you.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. Yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
So describe that part of it.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. So they're turned the opposite way so they can't see you. All they can do is hear you. There's no preconceived judgments or notions that come. They just listen to you sing. And if they like what they hear, they turn around, they push a button and turn around and then they fight to have you on their team if you get more than one to turn around. So that's, it was pretty cool. That was the blind audition.

Anthony Godfrey:
And tell me which musicians were there that you got to be judged by and interact with.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. Yeah. So my season, I was on Season 12 and Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys, and Adam Levine were the judges.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is awesome.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was pretty cool.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is really cool.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was really surreal.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, that's a pretty cool lineup of musicians to be judging you.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
Also, like you said, it would strike fear in my heart to do anything in front of them.

Lauryn Macedone:
Oh yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
Most people would have a tough time talking in front of those four. Just meeting them or chatting with them, much less performing for them. And knowing it was gonna be televised.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
Their chairs are turned around and they get to hit the button and turn around and see you once they choose you.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
And tell me who chose you.

Lauryn Macedone:
So Alicia Keys, Gwen Stefani, and Blake Shelton all turned around for me while I was singing.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is Insane. That is cool. That is so cool to have three out of four.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah, it was, it was surreal.

Anthony Godfrey:
Who was the first?

Lauryn Macedone:
It was Gwen and then shortly after it was Alicia and then it was Blake. So they all kind of hit it like the same moment. It was pretty quick.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is so cool. And then they talk with you afterwards a little bit?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. Yes. And I don't remember anything that was said, <laugh>. I don't remember any of it. <Laugh>. I just was like you were saying it was hard to talk, let alone sing and I was just standing there smiling and nodding. Couldn't tell you what they said. I was just in shock. I was like, I want to phone a friend, like where's my mom? Can I go talk to her really fast? This is a big decision that I'm about to make. It was crazy.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is so exciting. And so they have all chosen you, now you get to choose which team you want to be part of.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
And did you choose Team Gwen?

Lauryn Macedone:
I chose Team Alicia actually.

Anthony Godfrey:
Team Alicia? Interesting.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes, I chose Alicia Keys.

Anthony Godfrey:
Even though Gwen chose you first you went with Alicia?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. Yes.

Anthony Godfrey:

Lauryn Macedone:
And I just had this, I just loved Alicia Keys. I thought she was very genuine and very kind and that was so true. She was like a mother to all of us on her team. She was very nurturing and just so genuine and authentic. She was amazing.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's incredible. Yeah. So tell me what happened with the competition after that point.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah, so there's a lot more rounds. I made it to the second round, so the battle round where you're paired up with someone from your team and you sing the same song that your judge picks for you. So Alicia chose a song that me and a teammate sang against each other, and you battle for the winner. And my teammate, she was amazing, and so she won that battle and then I went home after that. But it was, it was incredible.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is a huge win. Yes. Getting to go, getting to compete, and having them turn around and push the button three out of four. That is a huge victory.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think that's really exciting.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was so cool. And I think a little bit inside I was so sad, but I was a little grateful cuz I had already missed a lot of school and I couldn't teach myself Trig any longer. I needed to go and be taught by my teachers.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. Understandably.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. So I was grateful, but it was so awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
Can we take a look at some of the photos and video of your time on there?

Lauryn Macedone:
For sure. This is just a fun one that I took that I could post on social media <Laugh> that said Team Alicia.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's cool.

Lauryn Macedone:
Once I was finally able to make the announcement, I put that out there. This is during the blind audition during my video when Alicia hit her buzzer, but it also hit over a million views on YouTube. So I screenshotted this moment as like a…

Anthony Godfrey:
That you had a million views logged.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
That's insane.

Lauryn Macedone:
It was super cool.

Anthony Godfrey:
You look like you were really in the moment. You are fully there.

Lauryn Macedone:
Oh yeah. I had to just focus on my singing or else I was gonna freak out too much. So <laugh> I had to be in it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, that's so cool.

Lauryn Macedone:
I was closing my eyes here and that's when they all turned around and so I opened my eyes and I saw that they had turned around <laugh>. And you can, in my blind audition, I get this little smile. You can tell the moment that I noticed that they've turned around.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's so awesome.

Lauryn Macedone:
It's pretty awesome. This was my whole team.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh yeah.

Lauryn Macedone:
They were awesome. So this guy actually won my season. His name's Chris Blue and he was super cool. This was one of my really good friends.

Anthony Godfrey:
And there's Alicia right at the center.

Lauryn Macedone:
There’s Alicia right there. Yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you really got some time with her.

Lauryn Macedone:
Uh huh, yeah. It was super neat.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's cool. Okay. Can we watch a little video here?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah. This is my blind audition video.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Is this a live band playing with you?

Lauryn Macedone:

Lauryn Macedone singing Girls Just Want to Have Fun:

I come home in the morning light,
My mother says when you gonna live your life right?

Anthony Godfrey:
<Laugh> You can see them touching the button.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
I would've watched this a thousand times if I were you.

Lauryn Macedone:
I think I have probably.

Anthony Godfrey:
You can see them react immediately.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
And you sound so good.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you.

Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.
I want to be the one to walk in the sun...

Alicia thought there were two singers.

Anthony Godfrey:
She thought that was a different person, because you just busted it out right there.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
<Laugh>. That's what she's asking Blake.

Lauryn Macedone:
Uh huh.

Anthony Godfrey:
What that shows is your range. They're singing along. They're moving to it.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
Look at that.

Lauryn Macedone:
Here's the moment right there. You can tell, that's when I saw.

Anthony Godfrey:
And you know what? They're having fun. They're totally enjoying that.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
So if anyone wants to watch this, they just search Lauren Judd, L a u r y n  Judd, Draper, "The Voice", and that'll come up. I just can't believe the interaction. it's so exciting. But your performance. Wow.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
You sounded so good on that.

Lauryn Macedone:

Anthony Godfrey:
And to do that on that stage, much less do it in the privacy of your own home. That's talent.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you. You are so nice. Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
So what are you doing now with your talent besides coming on the Supercast?

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. Yes. <Laugh>, you know, I have to really find time to make time for this hobby. It's hard when I am so busy, I am trying to bring it into my classroom as much as I can. As a first year teacher, I'm like grasping the curriculum first and then I think I will slowly be able to bring it more into the classroom. But my goal is to integrate music into the classroom a lot because individuals with different abilities relate with music so much. It just connects with them on a different level. And so I really want to utilize that in my teaching. I do perform every once in a while. I recorded a little bit recently. But I really, I need to do music more. I have to make more time for it. It’s hard.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about recording and performing you've done recently.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yeah, I do. I've just recorded an album of original songs that I wrote.

Anthony Godfrey:
Really? So you're composing on top of all this?

Lauryn Macedone:
I did, yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. I think I've said wow about 15 times in this Supercast, but I'm really blown away by your talent. Tell me about the stuff that you’ve written.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. So it's got kind of like that sixties, seventies singer-songwriter vibe like we talked about earlier. And it does, it kind of has a Christian base that I've been working around and trying to get into. Just original songs with my heart and feelings.

Anthony Godfrey:
There's good market for that type of music.

Lauryn Macedone:
Yes. Yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
<Laugh> Well, I'd love to hear some of your original stuff so send me a link. And I'd love to have a live performance right now, if you don't mind.

Lauryn Macedone:
Oh, yes, yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
My chair does turn if it feels better for me to turn my back.

Lauryn Macedone:
Perfect, Yes. Probably.

Anthony Godfrey:
And then hit the table and spin around.

Lauryn Macedone:
That's what you should do. Definitely. Definitely. Okay, so this is Wild Flowers by Tom Petty.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, I love this song. It’s a great one.

Lauryn Macedone:
It's so good.

You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free

Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new
I have seen no other
Who compares with you.

Anthony Godfrey:
The crowd goes wild <laugh>.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
That sounded so good. I couldn't join in on that I needed to hear you sing. That was so good.

Lauryn Macedone:
You’re so nice. Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Man, you've got a great voice, <laugh>. That was awesome.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thank you. Thanks for sharing your talents today. I wish you the best of luck in the future. And thanks for sharing your talents in our classroom here at South Jordan.

Lauryn Macedone:
Thank you so much for having me, and thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome district.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's fantastic to have you. Thank you.

Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.

March is National Women’s History Month, a time to recognize the vital role of women in American history.

On this episode of the Supercast, we find out how schools are celebrating, and we sit down with a strong woman in our school community making history in her own right. Meet Dawn Ramsey, President of the Jordan Education Foundation and the first female mayor of South Jordan City.

But first, we stop by West Jordan Middle School where Martha Hughes Cannon, the first female State Senator in the United States, is celebrated on morning announcements.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello, and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. March is National Women's History Month, a time to recognize the vital contribution of women in American history. On this episode of the Supercast, we find out how schools are celebrating, and we sit down with a woman in our school community making history in her own right. Meet Dawn Ramsey, President of the Jordan Education Foundation and the first female mayor of South Jordan City. But first, we stop by West Jordan Middle School, where Martha Hughes Cannon, the first female State Senator in the United States, is being celebrated on morning announcements.

Rae Garrison:
Good morning, West Jordan Middle School, faculty, staff, and students. Give me a heartbeat. Today is Monday, March 20th. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're here at West Jordan Middle School, talking with Principal Rae Garrison and two of our student body officers. Introduce yourselves.

Hi, I'm Vina. I am ninth-grade historian.

Hi, I'm Allie, and I'm eighth-grade historian.

Anthony Godfrey:
And as part of your announcements every morning, you've been focusing on Women's History Month. Principal Garrison, tell us about this project.

Principal Rae Garrison:
Yeah, so we like to recognize the various national designated months throughout the year. So, you know, Black History Month, Pacific Islander, and of course Women's History Month. So we make a slide for every day to highlight various important figures throughout history. We feel like it's really important to share with the students what these women have accomplished is what the month's all about.

Anthony Godfrey:
Have you been highlighting a different woman each day?

Yes. Mm-hmm.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Let's go through some of the ones that you've been featuring. Any favorites along the way?

Principal Rae Garrison:
My favorite slides that we've done are ones that recognize the collective effort of some of our great women leaders throughout history. You know, for example, the Code Breakers of World War II. Over 10,000 women worked as code breakers, deciphering enemy messages.

I would say my favorite one so far is Mary Jackson. We learned about her last year in language arts, and I think it was really cool to see like how she was the first one to like break those codes and stuff. And it was like, she was super smart and people like didn't realize that and she showed them who’s boss kind of thing and I love that.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah <laugh>. That's awesome. How about for you?

I think mine is Patsy Mink because she just like stood up and became one of the first like women to be in the Congress, which I think is really like, powerful and for like, her time. And so I think that she's like a really good role model.

March is Woman's History Month. So Principal Garrison's Woman's History Month highlight is Martha Hughes. Martha Hughes Cannon was a Utah Woman's Rights activist and suffragist. Martha was working at the age of 14. At 16, she enrolled in the University of Deseret, which is now called the University of Utah. She received a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. She attended the University of Michigan and received her MD, Medical Doctor. Cannon worked as a doctor and fought for women's rights. She helped put women enfranchisement voting into Utah's constitution when it was granted statehood in 1896. On November 3rd, 1896, Cannon became the first female State Senator elected in the United States, defeating her own husband who was also on the ballot.

Anthony Godfrey:
And tell us about who you featured today.

This was Martha Hughes, and we have a wall of her. I think she's just really cool that she did all this stuff such as like advocate for women's rights and stuff, and I love how she defeated her own husband in that <laugh>. I think that's really fun.

Principal Rae Garrison:
Martha Hughes Cannon being the first female in Congress certainly sends a message to our young ladies that you can accomplish great things.

Anthony Godfrey:
And it's a particularly important message in middle school. Just to be reminded that you can do things that you may not think you're capable of.

Principal Rae Garrison:
Yeah, absolutely.

Anthony Godfrey:
I love that you've got her up on the wall. And Principal Garrison, you've done such a nice job of creating an engaging space for students. There's a lot to see here. Anyone who hasn't been to West Jordan Middle is missing out on all the murals and it's a great way of making the most of students’ time here. Thanks very much for letting us drop in on your announcements and I think you guys are doing a great thing here, so keep it up.

Thank you.

Principal Rae Garrison:
Thank you, superintendent.

Thank you so much.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're here today with Mayor Dawn Ramsey to celebrate National Women's History Month. Mayor Ramsey, thanks for joining us.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Well, thank you very much for having me. It's an honor to be here.

Anthony Godfrey:
How many years are you into being a mayor now?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
This is my sixth year as mayor.

Anthony Godfrey:
And not only are you mayor of South Jordan, but you've been involved with Jordan School District in many, many ways for a very long time. And we want to talk about that. Really to start off with, I think the first time that I really remember calling on you for help was when we had a group of parents talking about a boundary change, and you came in and talked with those parents. You just did such a nice job of conveying just your confidence in the District and in the school. And we've relied on you many times since then, but I've always appreciated your support for the District with everything else that you have going on.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Well, thank you. I thought about that the other day. I went to the musical, fantastic musical that they did at Elk Ridge Middle School. They just did Suessical and I was there and I thought about the first time we met. I was PTA President at Elk Ridge is what it was. And yeah, there were some boundary changes and a good opportunity to talk about some of the great things that were happening at Elk Ridge Middle School, but that was a long time ago. I was trying to do the math. It's been at least 11 years, I think.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah. Yeah. It's been more than a decade. Yeah. Tell me, let's focus on your work as a mayor first of all, let's talk about that. You've been visiting classrooms with us to honor Outstanding Educators, and as a result, you get to interact with a lot of students. And there's something that a student said to you as you were leaving that I thought was particularly poignant. Well, would you talk about that a little bit?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Yes, for sure. I love going into the classroom and seeing the students and the teachers being part of presenting some of these awards. Visiting schools means a great deal to me. But the students are so fun. If you're ever having kind of a down day go in and get greeted by a bunch of first graders or fourth graders or seventh grade, they just brighten my day. I have had more than one student say to me as I've been leaving. It's something I've heard a few times. I didn't know a girl, or I didn't know a woman could be a mayor. <Laugh>. I've had a lot of young kids say that to me.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah. And what's your response when they say that?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
It's true. It is true. A woman can be a mayor and you could, whether they're boys or girls, young men or young women, you could be too if you decided. You can be anything you'd like to be. And they usually think that's pretty cool.

Anthony Godfrey:
I definitely do not remember a mayor visiting my classroom. No question about that. I'm amazed, as we've talked over the years at the number of committees you've served on and led. The groups that you've been in charge of, you really engage in ways that make me wonder, and I'm a busy guy, how you're able to do everything that you do. So tell me, let's go through some of the things, as many as you can remember, how many of the boards and advisory groups that you have been a part of as Mayor of South Jordan.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Wow. On the spot that might be hard to come up with. I’ll rattle off a few.

Anthony Godfrey:
I wasn't joking when I was saying the ones you can remember, because over the years, you've been involved in a lot.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
There have been a lot and it's been a privilege. But when I ran for mayor the first time, and then again the second time, my commitment to the residents was that I would make this my full-time effort and give it my all. That I would do everything I could to give South Jordan a seat at the table anywhere that I could. And I'm proud to say that I've accomplished that almost to an exhausting level sometimes <laugh> as you mentioned. But it's been such a blessing. So, let's see. I had the chance to serve for the last four years as a member of the Board of the Utah League of Cities and Towns. And I just wrapped up my term as president. I've been an executive officer for the last, this is my fourth year as an officer. So I guess five years on the Board.

Anthony Godfrey:
The League of Cities and Towns has kind of a mystery to it. Like the Justice League or something.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Yes, <laugh>. That is the coalition that represents all 250 plus cities and towns in the state of Utah. We have an organization where we come together and work together, and we work a lot at the legislative session with legislators to make sure that policy is crafted that is going to be helpful and not hurtful to local government. And to advocate for local control and things that are important and to also share best practices. So it was an honor to be chosen amongst my peers from across the state as President of our organization. I'm currently chair of the Wasatch Front Regional Council, which as I mentioned, does the transportation and land use plans for the entire Wasatch front. So we've got seven counties from Box Elder down to Salt Lake County, and it's an honor the next two years to chair the Wasatch Front Regional Council. And I'm also the first woman in their more than 50 year history to ever chair the council. So that's quite an honor. Let's see. My goodness, I, for the last three years have been the public sector vice chair of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah. This is gonna get boring. This list is kind of long.

Anthony Godfrey:
No, no. Keep on going, keep on going.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Let’s see. I represent cities on the Utah Unified Economic Opportunity Commission that was created by the governor and legislature two years ago. And that's the governor, the speaker of the house, the president, and members of the cabinet. And I represent the seat for cities and towns on that. I serve as a trustee for the state on the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority, working on the Point as we redevelop the prison site. I serve on the Olene Walker Affordable Housing Board for the state and also on the State Drinking Water Board.

It has been a long time. I started on the Jordan Education Foundation when I was region director. I think I was still associate director for the PTA for Jordan School District. So it's been, this is my 10th year on the Jordan Education Foundation Board, and a privilege to be a part of the work, to engage the community to help provide resources to fuel success in Jordan School District, to work as a companion organization to be part of this.

When I was elected mayor, I was not willing to let the Jordan Education Foundation role go because it's where my heart is. It's what I love to do. So it's not because I'm the mayor that I'm on the Education Foundation, it's because I've been there for a long time and now I happen to be a mayor. But it's been a privilege to serve with so many great volunteers from our community and to come together with businesses, business leaders, educators to recognize teachers and provide classroom grants. And I'm very proud that we were able to start the Principal's Pantry program, which is now in every school. Beds for kids. We do all sorts of things, clothes and eyeglasses, and there's so many things that we've been able to do and grow that it's really been an honor to be part of it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Talk about your PTA involvement as well over the years.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
I've been PTA president a lot of times, <laugh>, <laugh> and I thought I was gonna be able to kind of stay under the radar. I was president at our kids elementary school. My kids have gone, we've got six kids and they've gone to several, so many of the schools that we have. As boundaries change and things move around and you join different programs and things like that. So I've served in the PTA a lot. And then I was able to serve as associate director and then as region director for the Jordan PTA for four years. So as the parent representative, working closer with the administrative level and with the volunteers at all the schools at every school. And then representing our district on the state PTA board.

Anthony Godfrey:
You've done a ton <laugh>, you've been everywhere all the time. I think the movie is Everything Everywhere All at Once.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
I don't know about that, but I actually finished my last six months as Region PTA Director were my first six months as mayor. I did both.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us when we come back more with Mayor Ramsey.

Hello, I'm Tracy Miller, President of the Jordan School District Board of Education. There are seven members on the Board of Education, one in each voting district. We are committed to listening and serving our constituents as we work together to provide the best possible learning environment for the students we serve. As members of the Jordan Board of Education, we believe it is our duty and responsibility to: increase student achievement; provide parents with the choices they deserve and desire; recognize and reward quality in educators; empower school leaders through policy governance and professional development; and communicate with the public, legislators, business leaders, cities, and parents. We invite you to get to know the Board member who represents you in your voting district and to please join us at our monthly board meeting held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Or listen from the comfort of your home, on our live stream. For more information and to find your Board member, visit With parent and community input and support, we will continue our work to give students every opportunity to succeed in Jordan District schools and beyond. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Anthony Godfrey:
Let's talk about your time as mayor. What was it that made you want to run to be Mayor of South Jordan City?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Well, I love the community we live in and I had been involved for many years as a volunteer in the community. Often it was through education, volunteering a lot of time in the classrooms, a lot of PTA. Just spent a great deal of time volunteering also in the arts, also in little league sports. And so had just done a lot of volunteering in the community and the mayor wasn't running for reelection. There was an open seat. And I just decided I'd love to take the opportunity to represent our community and to give my all, my full-time, my best efforts to advocating for the residents if they want me to. And felt confident that I could do a good job. I knew I had a lot I'd need to learn, but I thought, if I give my best to this, I think I could make a difference for this community. And if the residents want me to, I'm willing to give it my all. And was humbled and honored to be elected the first woman ever elected mayor in the city of South Jordan. And to have that chance and now to be reelected, it's an honor to get to represent our city.

Anthony Godfrey:
And I wanted to ask you about that. How does it feel to be the first female mayor of a city?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Well, humbling, honestly. It might surprise some people that South Jordan's been a community since the beginning of the settling of Utah. And so it's been a very long time. And we've got a fantastic wall that images of all of the previous mayors of the city are on. And it's gonna look a little different at one point when all of a sudden there's this blonde woman up there next to all the gentlemen who have served so well. But I'm honored to get to do it and feel like it's a chance to be a role model to young women, young men, men and women, everywhere. I never wanted to run on the vote for me because I'm a woman platform ever. Vote for me because I'm the best candidate is what I was running on. And I just appreciate the confidence that the residents have in me and the opportunity to show that decisions about who may or may not best fill a role, shouldn't come down to gender. It should come down to who's the best candidate, who's gonna do the best job there. And I feel strong about that, but it really is an honor to get to do this and to be a role model.

Anthony Godfrey:
What are some things that people might be surprised or that surprised you about becoming mayor? Some things maybe people wouldn't expect are part of the job or are difficult parts of the job.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Well, no two days are the same. Anytime someone says, what's your day like, I could never give you just one example of what it is. I could say a lot of meetings, you know? No two days are the same. What has surprised me, probably what surprises me the most is how much I love it. Because if you look back over the last five plus years it's been a rocky time sometimes politically in our country. We've had a lot of public discourse that's been contentious. It might surprise you that I love it so much. It is not all roses, but I'm honored to do the work of the people. The thing that surprised me the most when I jumped into this, my intention was to give my very best efforts and to try to wear myself out. But I never understood what a benefit it would be to me. That I would be the lucky recipient who was blessed to get to know so many people and that my life would be enriched. I almost feel selfish saying that because it's enriched my life so much to get to be part of wonderful things with amazing people. That's what surprised me the most.

Anthony Godfrey:
You do get a bit of a backstage pass to the city as a whole and all of the things that are going on and I'm sure get to meet a lot of people that you wouldn't have the opportunity to otherwise.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Absolutely. And you know, I really appreciate, even if I meet people because they come to talk at city council meeting. If they come to speak during public comment or something, and whether they come to say there's something they're happy about or they have a question or a suggestion or whether they're not happy, I appreciate people's willingness to engage in the process and to come. I absolutely believe if somebody's willing to come and speak they deserve the chance to be heard. And I really am grateful and will always stand up for everyone's right to have the chance to come and say what they want to say. Even if I don't agree with what they come and say, I'll always defend the right to be able to do it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Sure. What would you say to young people or others who are considering the possibility of running for elected office?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
I would say if you get that inclination, if that crosses your mind and you find yourself interested in thinking that might be something you'd like to do, absolutely do it. The trouble these days as things have become a little more contentious is that there's a lot of good people who might be interested, but they just won't run because it's not easy. It is not easy. And as long as you go into it, knowing that, that it's not meant to be easy. The nature of our system, the way things are set up is that anyone in this government of the people has the chance to run and to participate. And so, you know, when you're going to represent the people you're opening yourself up to criticism, if that's how the people feel, whatever it is.

The opportunity to be part of this great work to be stewards over the money, the taxpayer's money, which I believe is sacred. Sacred funds and a sacred obligation and I don't mean that in a spiritual sense. I just think there is a deep significant responsibility with overseeing the taxpayer's money. And the obligation to get that right is significant. But there are so many great opportunities for people to serve that. If anyone out there is ever considering, ‘ah, someday I might wanna do that.’ Absolutely do it. Inform yourself, learn about the issues, participate. My counsel would be to be well informed. Go for it. I appreciate and tip tip my hat to anyone willing to put their name in the ring to run for public office.

Anthony Godfrey:
So in other words, if you have that inclination, listen to it and pursue it and see where that takes you by becoming more informed and kind of envisioning that possibility for yourself. Don’t just tamp it down and move on.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:

Anthony Godfrey:
Any parting thoughts on Women's History Month?

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
I'm honored to stand on the shoulders of giants. There are great men and great women who have gone before. Who have paved the way. I'm grateful for the good women and men who fought for women's suffrage, who really paved the way for me to do this work that I love. To do the work of the people and to be involved because I wouldn't have had this opportunity if I'd been born a hundred years ago. And it's an honor to be part of it and to serve with so many good people. And I think it is important that we have the voices of both good men and good women at the table. It gives balanced perspective that I think helps us come up with the best policies, leading to the best outcomes. I think that's critical. And so I'm just honored to be part of it now and paving my own little tiny trail through history and just grateful for everyone who went before who have allowed me the opportunity to be here.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, thank you very much for everything you do as mayor and everything you've done for Jordan School District at school, students and employees over the years.

Mayor Dawn Ramsey:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.

They are considered experts in communication; evaluating, diagnosing, treating and preventing speech and communication disorders.

On this episode of the Supercast, we talk to several Jordan School District Speech-Language Pathologists about the important work they do helping students of all ages who may be experiencing challenges in some aspect of speech and communication. Find out how they are making a huge difference in the lives of students, in and outside the classroom.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. They are experts in communication, evaluating, diagnosing, and treating speech and communication disorders. On this episode of the Supercast, we talk to Jordan School District's speech language pathologists about the important work they do, helping students of all ages who may be experiencing challenges in some aspect of speech or communication. Find out how they are making a huge difference in the lives of students in and outside the classroom.

We're here today at Joel P. Jensen talking with Ryan Sainsbury, who is a speech language pathologist at Joel P. Jensen and Kristin Norris, the speech language pathologist and audiologist coordinator for the District. Thank you very much for taking the time.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Thank you. It's exciting to be here.

Kristin Norris:
Yeah, it's great to talk with you today.

Anthony Godfrey:
So Ryan, let's just talk to you first about being an SLP. That's our first acronym of the show. There might be a lot more. Talk to me about being a speech language pathologist. What does that involve? Because I think a lot of people may not understand exactly what the job entails.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Yeah. definitely I think as far as like being an SLP, it's so like vast and vague, a lot of it that sometimes it's confusing and hard for people to grasp because we can and do do so much. So there's usually like a medical side that we won't really get into where we help people from strokes and different brain injuries recover and things like that. And then we have the school-based side, which we are in right now. And within this side there's lots of things we kind of treat and diagnose. Speech and language disorders and communication disorders that people have. So whether it's because of various diagnoses that they were born with or maybe different delays and things that they have we help them try to learn to communicate and we try to give everybody a voice.

Anthony Godfrey:
And Kristin, tell me about the difference from level to level. I know that we have SLPs working with students of all ages, so what are the different areas of focus at at different ages?

Kristin Norris:
So it's really individualized by the student, but in general we have SLPs that are working in our early intervention program. We have SLPs that are working in our preschool program. And then we have elementary, we have secondary, we even have in our post high program. A lot of times I think people really feel like what we work on is speech sounds, and that is a big part of what we do. And you particularly see that at that elementary level. You see a lot of work on either individual speech sounds, they're what we call phonological processes, which are groups of patterns of speech that students have.

But there's a whole other piece, and that's the language piece. The language piece covers everything from social language to vocabulary to understanding and comprehending tests. It’s tied into phonemic awareness and the skills that they're learning in 1st and 2nd. So there's this tie into literacy and reading. And it just is any way that a student communicates, we can help facilitate if they have a disability in that. As we get into the secondary level, we probably see a lot more of the language piece, really helping them access the classroom and what they need to be successful. And then transitioning as they move into that post high program, what's gonna help 'em be successful is they as they leave our program.

Anthony Godfrey:
So Ryan, tell me what that looks like for you day to day as you're working with a student. What are some of the sorts of things you're working on and doing to help them progress?

Ryan Sainsbury:
At the secondary level, we see a lot of like auditory comprehension. They don't seem to have the structure of language that it takes. Kinda at the structural level and then also at the like syntax level or at the sentence level and also even at the word or semantic level. So these are different levels that we work with every day. So each day we have a caseload that varies with a lot of different things, but it's often helping them trying to figure out how they can access their education better. So maybe it's helping them follow directions because they don't quite understand sequencing. Or maybe we can even break that down further to maybe they don't understand certain clauses and sentences very well, like their brains haven't quite figured out that structure for them to be successful, to follow directions or even to impact like behaviors and different things. So once you realize that language really impacts like every aspect, it's really fun. So we work with the team of gen ed teachers our special ed teachers, even our administration to our psychologists, to everybody to try to figure out how we can help them socially and academically improve and get access to the communication and different things that they need, the skillsets they need to be successful.

Anthony Godfrey:
So there are aspects of communication that we might take for granted if you don't struggle with these sorts of issues.

Ryan Sainsbury:

Anthony Godfrey:
But you really have to break things down for students who do have difficulties in these areas.

Kristin Norris:
Yeah, absolutely. One of the easiest ways to maybe look at it as the difference between receptive and expressive language. Receptive is our understanding of language and expressive is how we output that language. We get a lot of kids, especially at the secondary level who may struggle with understanding. What they look like are kids that are maybe off task in the classroom, kids that are maybe hesitant to speak up, kids that are maybe withdrawn. Instead it is that they're not understanding that language processing and need some strategies to do that. And then they can be more successful in accessing their curriculum from that receptive language component.

Anthony Godfrey:
And the receptive language from what you're describing might be frustrating for the person who's expressing and it's not being received.

Kristin Norris:

Anthony Godfrey:
And the unkind, I don't know, ‘what part of sitting in your chair don't you understand?’ Well, they may not actually understand because they're not processing those instructions in the way that many people would. I can imagine that creates a lot of frustration for everybody. So it's really important to have SLPs in place to help overcome those challenges. Do students sometimes get to secondary not realizing that they've had this problem all along?

Ryan Sainsbury:
Yeah. especially at our school. Usually like mid-year we've had a bunch of initial evals and different things come in because teachers are are beginning to really recognize like, hey, maybe this student has something that's not quite right with their understanding or how they're expressing things. So yeah, throughout the years and throughout the year we get tons of referrals all the time for us to kind of evaluate and to see how we can help support these students. And often it really is like, because they're not understanding, they're confused or some of those behaviors start to manifest themselves.

Anthony Godfrey:
It must be very rewarding to see students make progress and be able to overcome frustrations that allow them to not only engage with teachers in the classroom, but with classmates. To probably make friends more easily once those communicative issues are are overcome.

Kristin Norris:
Yeah, absolutely. Expressive languages is obviously a lot more noticeable. We notice from the very beginning when kids are having a hard time saying something, when they don't have vocabulary. And so those are the kids that we pick up often early in the beginning. Then we find out that there's a receptive language component to that as well. The other piece to that is that social pragmatic language. That is the ability to understand how you're supposed to interact with someone. Sometimes it's called the hidden curriculum. That we know instinctively that when someone says hello to us, we're supposed to say hello back and to carry on a conversation. This would be the next step, we'll ask a question. Well, our kids that struggle with that, they don't know those things instinctively and we have to teach them how to do those skills. Otherwise they get excluded. They get those are the kids that end up getting bullied. Those are the kids that teachers get frustrated with because they just seem like they're not doing what they're supposed to, but it's really a fact that they don't understand.

Ryan Sainsbury:
And I think like a real beautiful piece is when we're able to kind of see inside the mind and these language skills that they do have and we're able to convey that to a parent. And you see their eyes light up because they're like, ‘oh that makes so much sense, like what you're telling me,’ right. Like at home or at different functions and things like that. Also when you tell their teachers and their teachers go, ‘oh that makes so much sense. Like, I'm glad you told me that because I thought I was just being impatient.’ And I was like, ‘well yeah’. So we advocate for them to be a little bit more patient but we also give them skills and strategies to use with these students in the classroom. So it's almost like, I dunno, it's like a win-win. Our job is the best because I don't think we can really lose cause we can like help so much. We get to help kids and we need to help others help kids and it helps them in return. So, I don't know. It's really cool.

Anthony Godfrey:
And I like the way you described that. You're not just giving kids skills, you're giving parents skills. And you're giving teachers skills so that we can more effectively connect with students who may struggle with these issues. So is there an occupational hazard a little bit that when you're out in the public listening to people speak, maybe even as you're listening to me interview you, that you're thinking, ‘oh wait a second. I could touch that up a little bit and I could help 'em with with this speech issue.’ I mean I assume you hear that everywhere you go.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Yes. It's a blessing and a curse sometimes. We literally have to turn that side of our brain off so that we can function in our world without going crazy with all the speech and language things that we hear. Kristin Norris:
I have definitely been places and there are times that I don't wanna overstep my bounds, but I want to be like, ‘Ooh, I hope that they've talked to their SLP at the school. I hope that that child is is is being seen.’ I've gotten better at it over the years. Trying to disassociate. But I do have a sign above my desk that says, ‘Keep talking. I'm diagnosing you.’

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay, well that's good. Always diagnosing, always looking for a way to help.

Stay with us. When we come back, how do you know if your child may need the services of a speech language pathologist? We'll tell you after the break.

Hello, I'm Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications for Jordan School District, and we want to invite you to connect with us. So many exciting things are happening in your child's school, your neighbor's school, in every school here, every day. Don't miss out on following the fun or simply staying informed when there's important information we need to share. Join us at, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram@jordandistrict. We can't wait to connect.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about some of the expressive issues that you might experience, that parents might watch for. Some of the more obvious things that parents might notice that would signal that involving an SLP is going to be helpful.

Kristin Norris:
Well, primarily one of the easiest things is gonna be like a speech sound disorder. If a child is struggling with certain sounds that they should have. Particularly if there's frustration involved in that. They're not able to communicate what they want to, and because of that frustration, we're seeing behaviors. They're throwing a temper tantrum when those little kids. Hopefully our middle school kids aren't throwing temper tantrums, but sometimes still there. Yeah, sometimes they are right? They're expressing their frustration because they can't communicate. They can't get out what they wanna say. So from the very beginning, that's something that parents can recognize. If you find that you're having to have them repeat things over and over and over before they can understand things. You know, that's a good, that's a good thing and a sign to look at for for parents. If they seem to be struggling with some of those literacy concepts, that would be another thing. You know, if they're really struggling, like they've gone over phonemic awareness over and over and again and they just can't seem to get it, then maybe we need to do something a little more in depth and look at some of those components as well.

Ryan Sainsbury:
And so a lot of my background was actually in like narrative structure or stories. And so when you have a student or a child who's developing and you have that look on your face as a parent as they're explaining something to you like uhhuh, uhhuh, uhhuh, and it never quite gets to a point. Or the sequence or the events don't quite make sense. Basically when you're learning and you're developing, we learn from stories. So if you look at grade level elementary, preschool, like we learn from stories, that's how we learn. And then we get into like informational texts and different things that are a little bit more difficult once we hit the secondary level. So that change, that shift of structure is really hard for a lot of people. But those early markers, like Kristin had said about like the who, where, why, what questions when they're telling a story or just them being able to express a story, you'll be able to tell pretty quickly whether it makes sense or they're getting in the right direction or if it's just a total jumble and you're trying to figure it out.

Kristin Norris:
Parents really rely on their kids coming home and being able to tell them what they do in a day. Or if something happened on the playground, them being able to come in and tell the teacher this is what happened. For our kids that have communication disorders, they don't have the skill and the structure to do that. And so they're the ones who then sometimes get left out. They don't know what's going on, they can't explain what happened at recess. Maybe they get blamed for what happened at recess because they weren't able to explain it.

Anthony Godfrey:
They can't really advocate for themselves sometimes.

Kristin Norris:
Yeah. Because they lack that narrative structure to just retell a simple event and what happened in there. And to understand the components why this happened. You know, I was able to react this way and therefore somebody reacted back to me this way. That perspective taking is, is really difficult as well.

Anthony Godfrey:
So what are some of the things that parents ought to watch for that might be an indication that there are expressive concerns? You've talked about that a little bit. Are there other things that you tell parents to watch for?

Ryan Sainsbury:
You're always gonna have, part of it will be like some of the grammatical markers and morphines that we use. So even things like past tense verbs or their sentence structure. But it varies really through age. And so that's why it's really important to, I dunno, like know SLPs. I think it's the same for Kristen, like as soon as you find out that someone in your family or your neighbor is an SLP you just get questions all day from parents who have kids who are developing.

Anthony Godfrey:
Not quite like being a mechanic, but kind of similar to that.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Similar, yeah, exactly. Very, very similar. And so you get questions all day and so there is like grade levels or kind of like age level markers that help. And so once you kind of realize like, oh, your students should be here or expressing themselves in this way and they're kind of missing these skills, then that's when we can come in and kind of fill those gaps.

Anthony Godfrey:
So the receptive issues, let's talk about that. Like you said, those are gonna be more difficult to detect unless you're looking at a pattern over time. So what would parents look for to so that they could identify that perhaps there there's an issue with their child?

Ryan Sainsbury:
Yeah, so I'm speaking more for like the secondary level because that's kind of my more my expertise. But in particular we look at just following simple directions and whether they're able to sequence things, put events in order or understand the order of events. Even just are they able to retain information that you've given them? Are they able to summarize things that you've given them and then say, ‘okay, can you tell that back to me? Like the key points that you need to do.’ Or even little things like if you're watching a TV show you say, ‘Hey, can you summarize like the main events or what's been going on?’ So a lot of those types of things are really critical for our brain to kind of store information. And so if you ask those types of tasks and they're unable to do it, then you can kind of tell they might not have the pattern for those things to kind of file into their correct order to be easily accessed as well. So it kind of goes both ways as far as at the secondary level. But I'd say mostly you definitely get it with the kids who are not paying attention and are often the problems. It's because are they not paying attention or they literally not quite get the language component. So that's where it gets trickier, I guess.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah, sure.

Kristin Norris:
One of the things that we sometimes have to do as we're teasing out information with kids is figure out that can't do versus won't do. You know, is this because they don't know how to do it or is this because they've chosen not to do it? And some of those kids can really look like the won't do and then we have to tease out that information and figure out the can't do.

Ryan Sainsbury:
And in particular at a school like Joel P. Jensen, that I love cause I'm actually a bilingual speech therapist or speech language pathologist, and so I get to kind of hone in on is it a like a disorder of language or is it a language difference? And they don't quite have the language because we have many of our students who speak Spanish at home. But they have to now speak English totally different at school, right? So kind of in that, we have to find out whether it's an actual disorder or is it just a difference and they just need to be taught that again.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you're a bit of a speech dual language pathologist.

Ryan Sainsbury:
That's exactly right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I was working on a title, so that's right.

Kristin Norris:
At a really young age some of those things I think you would look for in kids starts with really basic information. You know, kids develop one word to start with and then they start to put words together and then that grows into longer sentences and more complex structures. If you're asking them to point to something and we can't build the vocabulary through pointing, you know, that would be something that would be a concern. You know, if you ask them to point to the dog and they point to something else, even though you've gone over it and over and over again, that would be a red flag at the beginning. If you're asking them to go pick up their shoe and the shoe is right in front of him and they don't know what you're asking him. So this just starts kind of with that basic kind of understanding of when I give them very basic tasks to do, are they understanding what I'm saying? So that would be kind of a starting point for maybe concerns with parents.

Anthony Godfrey:
I can think of all kinds of situations where it would be nice for a teacher or a parent or even a friend to understand that, hey, there may just be a communication issue at play here. What would you say to parents who listening to this who are maybe worried about their child and would like to get some help for them? What's the first step that they take to do that?

Kristin Norris:
So if they have specific reasons, they can talk and get a referral going and get some specific testing. But if they just wanna have a conversation they can reach out to the Child Development Center if their kids are five years or younger. Or they can reach out to the SLP at their school and just say, ‘Hey, these are some of the things that I'm having a concern with. I'm seeing this. What do you think? Do you think this is something I could be concerned? Are there things I can try?’ And have a conversation with their teachers as well. Their teachers spend a lot of time with them and start to open up and start to really kind of identify what they're struggling with. And then we can decide whether we wanna go down the road and do some more in-depth testing and figure out what those concerns really might be and how we can help them.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now we have how many SLPs in the district?

Kristin Norris:
We have over 120 SLPs in the district in our early intervention preschool and elementary and secondary schools.

Anthony Godfrey:
That is a lot of experts. And we also have some audiologists.

Kristin Norris:
We do.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about the audiologists.

Kristin Norris:
So we have three full-time and one part-time audiologist in Jordan School District, which we're really lucky to have. Not everybody has that much staff. We actually have an audiology booth that's housed at Kari Sue Hamilton. So they can do hearing screenings throughout the district, but they can also do more in-depth evaluations as well. So they are responsible for kind of helping track our kids and do those hearing screenings. But then they are then a resource to us when we're looking at kids who have ongoing hearing loss. They can help track them, they can help talk to and educate teachers. They can help facilitate things like hearing aids and other devices that may be needed for those students. And then we collaborate with them as SLPs on some of those students as well with what they might need because of those hearing losses.

Anthony Godfrey:
And the way you've described it, it's almost as if you can literally see a light going on inside of their head that they are getting it. That there's a connection and suddenly they're able to do something they couldn't do before and it connects them to the broader world and it makes them a part of it.

Kristin Norris:

Anthony Godfrey:
And that's wonderful that you're able to do that for our students.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Yeah. and then if I may add, I think a lot of times, like for example just at this school I see kids with speech fluency disorders or what we call like a stutter. I see students on the autism spectrum who need help with social skills. I see other students who need auditory comprehension. They need to figure out how to understand directions better. I see students with severe behavior problems who we need to really help and use language to help them understand and do things better. And that's just like a little bit. I also still see students who have articulation errors and just need to overcome some of these things that have been hard for them their whole lives. And maybe now their confidence has been kind of shaken a little bit because they're older now and they talk different than everybody else.

So to help all these different things, like it's so vague and vast that it can be intimidating at times, but there's nothing more rewarding or I guess more fun than staying current so that you can have the best evidence-based practice so that you can always be helping each student that you come across because the variety is huge, which I like crave. I can't go to work and have like the same thing every day, no way I would go. I would go nuts. So to have the variety, but also to say like the science part is really important. Cause we want our practices to be evidence-based so that we're giving these students the best of what's available.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you get to work with students one-on-one or mostly in small groups and you get to make those connections. And like you said earlier, you get to do something for them that no one else has been able to do. So that's got to be very rewarding.

Kristin Norris:
Yeah, It's often, you've heard it said that the voice is a window to the soul. We have a chance to help kids to actually have that voice. To make a connection with their peers, with their parents, with their friends, with their teachers in a way that maybe they wouldn't be able to do otherwise. And we use communication for everything. Everything. Non-Verbal, verbal communication, whatever we do, written communication. It's part of everything we do.

Anthony Godfrey:
What a great program. Thank you very much for taking the time and for everything you do to help our students.

Ryan Sainsbury:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.