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Butterfield Canyon Elementary School teachers have been working hard to create meaningful connections and fun memories with parents this school year.

On this episode of the Supercast, find out how a Thanksgiving performance by third-graders, followed by “Parents and Pie” is bringing everyone together in a sweet expression of thanks and gratitude this holiday season.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello, and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. Butterfield Canyon Elementary School teachers have been working hard to create meaningful connections and fun memories with parents this school year. On this episode of the Supercast, find out how a Thanksgiving performance by third graders, followed by "Parents and Pie" is bringing everyone together in a sweet expression of thanks and gratitude this holiday season.

We're here at Butterfield Canyon Elementary for the "Parents and Pie" event, and we're talking with Dr. Jay Eads, the Principal of Butterfield Canyon. Thanks for inviting us over today.

Dr. Jay Eads:
Thanks for coming. We appreciate it.

Anthony Godfrey:
I understand you're going by Dr. Jay these days. Is that right?

Dr. Jay Eads:
Yeah, that's a little easier to say than Eads so the kids can say, Dr. Jay pretty easy.

Anthony Godfrey:
That has a ring to it. I like it. Tell me a little bit about this event and the way that third graders have been talking about Thanksgiving.

Dr. Jay Eads:
So, the "Parents and Pie" event was something that was happening pre-COVID. Of course, COVID kind of put an end to it, but now that we're past that, we brought it back this year. The emphasis is helping kids to feel gratitude for the things that they have in their life so that they can express that. We have a Thankful Tree outside of our doors to our gym and cafeteria here, where students have listed what they're grateful for. And then just with the songs, it's just been the opportunity to perform for parents and for getting parents back into the building so that they can be part of the school and part of the community again. I think that's important.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's a great connection and it's a great combination. The tree with the leaves, it's a paper tree. Two paper trees at the entrance of the cafeteria with individual autumn leaves that have been written on by students just to express what they're thankful for. And then the program and the "Parents and Pies". We'll talk with teachers that have organized this. What impact does this have on the culture of your school having an event like this?

Dr. Jay Eads:
I think the most important thing, I think a couple things. One, it brings parents and students together back into the school. I think that's critical. It helps to reinforce, we're a Leader in Me school. As a Leader in Me school, it helps promote some of those concepts. We can link to them. Gratitude helps, it is a form of respect, actually I think. By being grateful for the things we have, we're actually showing respect for those things and gifts that we have in our lives, for our parents, and for others.

Anthony Godfrey:
And Dr. Jay, what are some of the things that you are grateful for?

Dr. Jay Eads:
I’m grateful for my family, of course. I'm grateful to be here. This is a wonderful school. It's a wonderful staff. Kids are just absolutely fantastic. They're responsive. They're eager to learn, eager to please. It's just been such a positive experience just in my short time here.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, we're very grateful to have you here. You've played various roles in the district extremely well at every turn. And we're really happy to have you here as principal.

Janet Hall:
Thank you so much for coming to our program today. In a minute, we're gonna have the kids come and find you, their parents or family members that are here, and then we'll excuse you by color of your table you're sitting at to get pie. While you're waiting for pie, or while you're eating, the kids will have a questionnaire sheet that you guys can ask each other questions and talk about things you're grateful for. We also have a few photo backdrops, if you wanna take a photo, you're welcome. We just want you to know how thankful we are for you as parents and all the support you give us as teachers at our school, but most especially to your kids. They are amazing.


Janet Hall:
And we're so grateful to have a small part of their life. So thank you so much. They'll be coming to you in just a minute.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're talking with Janet Hall, one of the third grade teachers here at Butterfield Canyon. What a fantastic program.

Janet Hall:
Yeah, we've loved it. The kids have been practicing since before Halloween, and when we told them they needed to have everything memorized, they just rose to the task and have loved singing. They even sing at recess.

Anthony Godfrey:
They nailed it. I'm not surprised by that. Their performance was so crisp, and I've been to a lot of great school programs. I've never seen anything like this, and I've never heard these songs before. I thought it was fantastic.

Janet Hall:
Yeah, there's a really great resource called Music K-8. I know our music teacher, Tina Workman, uses it a lot. But they have a lot of fun, unique songs that the kids just really love.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, they did a great job of it. Tell me, how did this get started? The "Parents and Pie" tradition?

Janet Hall:
Well, it started actually with one of our third grade teachers, Mrs. Workman, who's our music teacher now. But we used to do a reader's theater of There was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Pie, and she would invite her class in and they would do the reader's theater and have pie. And then a couple of others of us started doing it, but then pretty soon, all of the third grade teachers wanted to be a part of it, and so that's how "Parents and Pie" started.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think it's a wonderful connection back to parents. And you mentioned this when you were the MC, that it's just so nice to have parents out and it's a chance to be grateful. To show gratitude for parents and show gratitude for their kids that you get to be a part of.

Janet Hall:
Yeah. And you know, really that's why we do our jobs. For the kids. But without that good support and love from their parents, they need that. So when they come to school, they're ready to learn and be a part of it. And we just really are super grateful for everything they do to encourage their kids to make sure they're here at school and just the support and love that they give to us as their teachers.

Anthony Godfrey:
So there's this fantastic performance, and then "Parents and Pie", and the students go out and find their parents, and then there's a list of things for them to do or talk about. Tell me more about that.

Janet Hall:
Yeah, so we wanted it to be a time for parents and their kids to really be able to connect with each other. A lot of times life is so busy, we just don't have time for those casual and meaningful conversations. And so we thought if we could give them some questions and conversation starters and provide this opportunity where they can focus on their kids and be in the moment. What a great opportunity for them to learn what their parents are thankful for, for parents to get insights on what their kids' lives are like outside of their home. And we just thought it would be such a good opportunity for some communication.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's a connection between parents and their child and it's a connection between the school and families.

Janet Hall:
Yes. And we're so, so grateful to be able to have families and parents at the school. You know, during the pandemic when we couldn't, there really was a piece of that missing. And I think the community missed it and we missed having them come in.

Anthony Godfrey:
It's not the same without that family connection. Thank you for being so intentional about making that possible once again.

Janet Hall:
Yeah. You're so welcome. Thank you for coming and enjoying our program today.

Anthony Godfrey:
It was awesome.

Stay with us. When we come back, hear Thanksgiving performances from third grade students at Butterfield Canyon Elementary.

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Students Singing:
Turkey dinner, turkey dinner,
Gather round, gather round.
Who will get the drumstick? Yummy, yummy drumstick.
All sit down, all sit down.

Chocolate muffin, cornbread stuffin’,
Pudding pie, one foot high.
All of us are thinner, ‘til we get to dinner.
Me oh my, me oh my.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're here with a mother-daughter team at Butterfield Canyon, attending "Parents and Pies". Introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about the activity that they set up for you today.

My name's Cassidy and I am the mom to Jaidyn. This was set up as "Parents and Pie" where we got to listen to them sing about what they were thankful for.

Anthony Godfrey:
They did a great job, didn't they?

Yeah, they did. They should be a choir.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes, they should. Yes. I think they should be a choir.

Anthony Godfrey:
It was awesome.

Yeah, they were awesome.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now I know there's an activity where there's a list of things for you to ask each other. Have you had a chance to talk about that?

Yes, we did.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. Can we go through a couple of these and hear what their responses were?

Yeah, absolutely. What is something you are looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to my trip to...

We're going to the Dominican Republic. So we're looking forward to a family trip.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, awesome. That sounds fantastic. I have not been to that particular republic, so that sounds pretty fun. Jaidyn, what was one of the questions that you asked your mom?

What's one of the questions?

What is something you love doing with your family?

What is something I love doing with my family? We love going on trips. We also love playing games. We love playing family games. We have game nights a lot.

Anthony Godfrey:
I like games too. What's one of your favorite games, Jaidyn?

We usually play Uno or Sorry.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, okay. Wow. Those are fun. Now tell me, what are some of the things you're thankful for Jaidyn?

I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my house, and that I get to go to school. The sports that I do, the stuff that my mom and dad pay for, like the trips and stuff that I do.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me, what's your favorite thing about school?

I ask this question every day, huh?

Anthony Godfrey:
Recess and lunch are acceptable answers.

No, she doesn’t say that.

I like math.

Anthony Godfrey:
You like math? Fantastic. That's great. I really like math too. I wasn't as good at it as you are probably, but I did like math.

She's pretty smart.

Anthony Godfrey:
Is there something about math that you like the most?

I really like multiplication.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. Okay, great. Well, you stay with that math. That's fantastic. And how about your mom? What do you think she's thankful for? Shall we ask her? All right.

I'm thankful for my kids, and how good they are, and my family, and that we just have a roof over our head right now.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's fantastic. Well, thank you for being here and thanks for talking with me today.

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
Have a great Thanksgiving, both of you. And a wonderful trip to the Dominican Republic.

Introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about the activity today.

My name is Lucie. Something I like to do with my family, I like to do razor rides. And the Native American taught pilgrims how to grow corn. What is something you are glad you learned this year? I'm glad I learned division and multiplication.

Anthony Godfrey:
You like division and multiplication?


Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. Is math your favorite subject?


Anthony Godfrey:
Great. What are some of the things you're thankful for?

I am thankful for my family and my cousins, and I'm thankful that we could be here on earth.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's a great thing to be thankful for. How many cousins do you have?

I would say on my mom's side, I have 30 something, but I have more than that now.

Anthony Godfrey:

And I also have on my dad's side, for my first cousins, I have about 10.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. That's a lot of cousins. That's good cousin time. Let's talk to your mom too. Let's ask her to introduce herself and what she's thankful for.

I'm Angie and I am thankful for family and peace that you can create at home in a chaotic world.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's awesome. Tell me about "Parents and Pie".

"Parents and Pie" has been really nice. I love seeing the kids sing their songs. Lucie's been singing her songs nonstop at home, so it's really fun to see it all put together with actions and the energy. It's been really sweet to have some time with her.

Anthony Godfrey:
Awesome. Lucie, tell me, what was your favorite song from the program?

Uh, I liked the dinner one the best.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah. I thought they were all so great. What does the song talk about? One foot high. What's one foot high in the song?

The turkey dinner.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, the turkey dinner. Okay. Well, hopefully your turkey dinner is one foot high and you get lots of cousin time.

I love it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great time.

Happy Thanksgiving to you guys.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks very much. Thanks for taking the time.

Students Singing:

We are thankful, we are thankful. We are thankful, oh we are thankful.
We're thankful for the things we have, thankful for the things we have.
Ohhh, thankful!

We are thankful, we are thankful. We are thankful, oh we are thankful.
We're thankful for the things we are, thankful for the things we are.
Thankful for the things we have, thankful for the things we have.
Ohhh, thankful!

We are thankful, we are thankful. We are thankful, oh we are thankful.
We're thankful for the things we do, thankful for the things we do.
Thankful for the things we are, thankful for the things we are.
Thankful for the things we have, thankful for the things we have.
Ohhh, thankful!

We are thankful, we are thankful. We are thankful, oh we are thankful.
We’re thankful for the things we’ll be, thankful for the things we’ll be.
Thankful for the things we do, thankful for the things we do.
Thankful for the things we are, thankful for the things we are.
Thankful for the things we have, thankful for the things we have.
Ohhh, thankful!

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there and thank you for listening.

Students at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy received a real-life lesson in Native American culture and traditions in their classrooms recently. They were even treated to a taste of homemade Fry Bread.

On this episode of the Supercast, we head to Majestic along with BYU’s Brenda Beyal. Brenda grew up in New Mexico as part of the Navajo Nation and she shared her incredible story with students celebrating National Native American Heritage Month.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello, and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. Students at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy received a real-life lesson in Native American culture and traditions in their classrooms recently. They were even treated to a taste of homemade fry bread. On this episode of the Supercast, we head to Majestic along with a representative from BYU who grew up in New Mexico as part of the Navajo Nation. She shares her incredible story with students and the Supercast as we celebrate National Native American Heritage Month.

We're here with the principal of Majestic Elementary Arts Academy. Introduce yourself and tell us about what's happening today.

Marianne Johansen:
My name is Marianne Johansen, and today we are celebrating Native American Heritage Month by inviting the Native American Arts and Culture Initiative Director from BYU. She's here reading a story called Fry Bread to our students, and she's talking about Native American history and Native American culture. And then we will be using her special recipe for fry bread and serving it to the students so they can kind of have that experience.

Eric, what do you want my man? Yeah, put this in the middle right here. Okay. Okay. Honey butter. That's where it's at, my friend. There you go, enjoy it!

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about why you invited BYU here to help. Tell us about that relationship with BYU.

Marianne Johansen:
Yeah, so Jordan District has an arts partnership with BYU and that has really helped us as we have started this Arts magnet school. They are helping all of our classroom teachers get their Arts Integration Endorsements. So one of their facilitators is here today helping Brenda, she's the Native American director that is here helping us read the story today. One of their professors is here helping her get the lesson pushed out, and she helped write the fry bread lessons that all of our teachers have been doing in class with their students over the last couple of weeks to prepare them for today.

Anthony Godfrey:
So this is a culminating activity for some things that kids have been doing in class throughout the last couple of weeks.

Marianne Johansen:
Yes. So the professor that is here today, Jen Purdy, wrote the Fry Bread lesson plans in conjunction with input from Brenda, and our teachers were asked to do parts of those lessons. So that has included some videos of watching people make fry bread. That has included some information about Native American history and culture. And then the students using instruments or vocal play to make some soundscapes representing kind of those stories and that history and using some of that culture and those lessons.

Anthony Godfrey:
And the food, and the soundscapes, and the partnership with BYU, and taking advantage of the Native American Curriculum Initiative are just examples of the way that Majestic is focused on creating a really immersive experience for kids. Just making sure that their learning is at a deep level and involves some real life experiences.

Marianne Johansen:
Yes, exactly. And we really wanted to focus on making sure that we brought in somebody from the Native American culture that could really connect our students to those stories and to that experience. We definitely shoot for a high depth of knowledge on all of those subjects, and that's how the arts help with that. They help the students create things on a higher level so that they really get a full understanding of what that means.

Anthony Godfrey:
I love how intentional you are about this and many other things that are wonderful about Majestic. Just making sure that teachers are laying the groundwork so that when you have these guests here from BYU that it has the most impact that it possibly could because they're prepared. They're ready to learn more from someone with a Native American background.

Marianne Johansen:
Yes. And we are very intentional about those things. In fact, we even had Jen prepare teachers in their Arts Endorsement class. So my teachers are here from 4:00-7:00 every Monday earning their Arts Integration endorsements. And Jen came in and prepped the teachers on the lessons to make sure that those were delivered correctly and efficiently with the students. And we do try to do that with all of the core subjects. With math, with science, we really try to think things out beforehand to make sure that the students get the most out of what they're learning.

Anthony Godfrey:
And in case anyone missed that the first time you said it, every week teachers spend from 4:00-7:00 getting additional training on how to, not just make art a part of the day, but to integrate it into instruction. And this is another example of that, with the soundscape and everything that they've done to prepare for today. So congratulations on going all in. Majestic doesn't do anything halfway, and it's really exciting to be here this morning.

Marianne Johansen:
Well, thank you so much. We're so, so excited to have you. And we love having the opportunity to help students learn in a unique and creative way.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us. When we come back, find out how much students enjoyed their fry bread.

In Jordan School District, we like to support students in and outside the classroom along with their families. That's where the Jordan Family Education Center comes in, offering support services and a wide variety of classes for students and their families, free of charge. You can take a class called Blues Busters for children feeling sad or worried. Just Breathe is a class that helps students reduce stress. Or how about a class that supports parents in helping their children make and keep good friends. There are also support groups and free counseling, all provided by Jordan School District school psychologists and counselors. To find out how you can benefit from free family support services offered by the Jordan Family Education Center, call 801-565-7442 or visit

Brenda Beyal:
I want to know if you have been learning this week about fry bread, just by the raise of your hand. Oh, fantastic. What activities have you done with fry bread, with the fry bread lesson? Oh, do you want to show me how to make it? Okay. Stand up and show us how you make it, and if you know how to make it go ahead and work with him and just do what he's doing.

Okay. So first you put the powder and flour and then you put some kind of powder or whatever.

Brenda Beyal:

Salt. And then, um, yeah, you do this.

Brenda Beyal:
What is that called?


Brenda Beyal:
You mix it.

It's called dough.

Brenda Beyal:
It is called dough.

Brenda Beyal:
Oh, first of all you, what do you do first?

You put water maybe.

Brenda Beyal:
You put water in it.

And then you like stretch out the dough stuff, and then put it on the pan, and then just flip it over when it gets to like bread stuff.

Brenda Beyal:
Oh, fantastic. Fry bread is made all across the United States. I'm going to read this story, that a man that's not even Navajo wrote, because fry bread is a part of every Native American culture here in the United States. This is called Fry Bread, a Native American Family Story. Fry bread is food, flour, salt, water, and he says corn meal. So his tribe makes it different. Baking powder, perhaps milk, maybe sugar, because they took the original recipe and they added their own ingredients to make their kind of fry bread.

Anthony Godfrey:
We're here with two representatives from BYU who are here at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy as part of the Native American Curriculum Initiative. Thank you very much for being here. Would you please introduce yourselves.

Brenda Beyal:
(Brenda Beyal introduces herself in Navajo.)

I just introduced myself to you in Navajo and it's just something that we traditionally do. I let you know that I am born into the Salt Clan and born for the Towering House people. And then I let you know about my maternal and paternal grandparents.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell me about that.

Brenda Beyal:
It's a way of developing kinship and finding those who you may think you have no relations to in a group setting. You may find that they have the same clan as you, and so automatically you find that you have relatives among you. When I was teaching school, I had a young boy come from the Navajo Nation to my 3rd grade class. He introduced himself to me in Navajo. And he was t'áá 'áhání, which means that he was my grandfather. And so for the rest of the school year, I called him Shicheii, which made him feel like I am a part. This place that I am in, away from the Navajo Nation, I still can find relatives. And so sometimes, I still see him and I'll call him Shicheii.

Anthony Godfrey:
I love that it's a way of making a connection immediately when you introduce yourself. Now tell me again, break that down for me again. Tell us about the information you shared in Navajo.

Brenda Beyal:
So I shared that I was born into the Salt Clan.

Anthony Godfrey:
So what does the Salt Clan mean exactly?

Brenda Beyal:
The Navajo people belong to different clans, and we all belong to the clan that our mother is. And then we are born for our father's clan. And so we have over 40 some odd clans that are traditional clans in the Navajo Nation. And so anywhere you go, you might find a relative. Just because you are able to, you know, share your clan.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, great. So through the Clan is where you would possibly determine that you are related?

Brenda Beyal:
Yes. Yes.

Anthony Godfrey:
And then what was the next part that you talked about?

Brenda Beyal:
The next part we're talking about was my maternal grandfather's clan and my paternal grandfather's clan. So you already know that I am born into the Salt Clan, which is my mother's clan, and I'm born for my father's clan. And so now I share my grandfather on my mother's side's clan, and my grandfather on my father's side's clan. My grandfather on my father's side, he would be my shinálí. And on my mother's side, my grandfather would be shicheii.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's very moving because it emphasizes right out, even as you introduce yourself, just the broad connection you have with ancestors and with family.

Brenda Beyal:
Family is extremely important to the Navajo people. In fact, all indigenous cultures, we believe in multi-generational kinds of learning. And so school, or our kind of school before we had buildings where where learning was had, there was constant learning with people among us. Whether it was our aunts or our uncles or our grandfathers or our grandmothers. And so the idea of multi-generational learning and living is one of the fabrics of Navajo culture.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now you grew up as part of the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, is that right?

Brenda Beyal:
I grew up in Tohatchi, New Mexico. It is around the Four Corners area, probably 80 miles from Shiprock, New Mexico. And yes, I grew up there and I graduated from high school there and then came to college.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you're talking to third graders today?

Brenda Beyal:

Anthony Godfrey:
What was it like being a third grader for you?

Brenda Beyal:
When I was a third grader, I had a wonderful teacher. I loved to read and I loved to just learn new things. But I was actually the champion cursive writer in third grade.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. Impressive.

Brenda Beyal:
Impressive right?

Anthony Godfrey:
It makes an impact still today that, ‘Hey, wait a minute. I was a champion back then.’

Brenda Beyal:
Yeah. Third grade. And so that's one thing I remember about third grade. But also, I remember around this season when the first frost and when things started getting cold, we started playing string games. I just remember carrying around my string and learning all different kinds of patterns and designs. And I have a sister, my older sister,  who I would consider one of the most expert string game people. And so to this day, when she comes and visits, we still get our string out and we will play with them. And one of the reasons why you do this in the winter time is because that's when the spiders are away. And if you were to play with them in the spring or the summer, you invite the spiders into your web. And I don't ever wanna do that.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. No, none of us do. What do you hope students come away with after having the chance to meet you and hear your presentation today?

Brenda Beyal:
Well, that's an interesting question because what we hope they continue to do is to learn and become more curious about the true history of the indigenous tribes here in Utah. What we share in our Native American Curriculum Initiative is not what people think, maybe historians or curriculum book writers or anyone else feels that children should know, but we share information that the eight Sovereign Nations here in Utah would like children to know. And so what I hope they come away with is a new understanding, maybe a correction of narrative, of how they think about Native Americans. That we are still here, that we are not invisible, that we are continuing to move forward. That we have a legacy of resilience. Though there have been many things in history that have been hard for Native Americans, but we have overcome.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's a compelling message. Thank you very much for being here to share that with our students.

Brenda Beyal:
You're welcome.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell us about this program and introduce yourself a bit.

Jennifer Purdy:
My name's Jennifer Purdy and I'm a program coordinator with BYU ARTS Partnership. My primary art form is music, but I've been an elementary educator for many years as well as special education and music education. And now I get to work with these amazing people like Brenda. And like she said, collectively we talk and develop things. And so this lesson plan, Fry Bread, and the activities contained in that lesson were developed in collaboration with other team members.

Anthony Godfrey:
Fantastic. Now, I heard you talking about soundscape before. Tell me what that means and why that's a part of this lesson.

Jennifer Purdy:
We actually took a video of a woman, a traditional woman, making fry bread in Monument Valley over an open fire. And it gives students an opportunity to listen, what are you hearing? And as they listen to this video, they may hear the sound of the crackling of the fire, the bubbling of the oil, the patting of her hands as she's flattening the dough into the shape to fry the bread. And you can combine those and have children actually use instruments to represent some of those sounds, or vocalizations, or body percussion, which means clapping or patting or things like that. And just create and recreate what they heard on the video. And that may not sound like your traditional music concepts that you talk about. But you're listening, you're playing, you're creating, and those are all really important aspects of music.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, it's engaging all of the senses in learning and making sure that we don't glide over and forget the importance of sound as we're trying to create an immersive experience for students. I love the intentionality of the way that you've gone out to talk with people and say, what do you want kids to learn about your culture? It's just a great way to approach it.

Brenda Beyal:
So this fry bread lesson is more of a general lesson? Yeah, because fry bread is eaten all across the United States. And so we felt like we needed to,

Anthony Godfrey:
By me on numerous occasions.

Brenda Beyal:
Numerous. So now what we're doing is we're helping children build a context around fry bread. And through this lesson, they learn important history of the Navajo people and where fry bread originated and how it came to be. And then we bring in all of the other cultures that use or make fry bread now across the country.

Anthony Godfrey:
You talked about curiosity earlier. And I think these lessons are gonna be impactful for the rest of their lives, not just because of the content, but because it will ignite this curiosity about people around them so that they can really be open to learning more about the people they interact with throughout their lives.

Brenda Beyal:
You're absolutely right. Another component of that curiosity is just children who come from indigenous cultures that are in the schools. It's an opportunity for them to see themselves reflected in the curriculum. And so if we have children who are from, from different Native American tribes, it sometimes. I remember third grade, there wasn't much that represented me in the curriculum. And so the string game connected me, that I could do in school. That was what I did. But all of the other things I learned were not reflective of who I was. And so we are hoping to change that for children.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, thank you for bringing this rich experience to our students and to our school. They've been sitting behind us this whole time. I think. I haven't even looked, but they're so quiet. I'm not even sure they're there.

Brenda Beyal:
I know. They're amazing.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. There they are. Look at that. Okay. Well, I'm going to stop standing in the way of you getting to interact with these great students. Thank you again for taking the time for these students and for talking with me today.

Brenda Beyal:
Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.

It is a process schools are required to use when they need to conduct a controlled and safe release of students to parents or guardians following an emergency, or other significant disruption to the normal school schedule.

On this episode of the Supercast, we dive into the most important details of Reunification. We’ll explain why understanding how Reunification works can help us get students back home to loved ones in an emergency situation.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello, and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. It is a process schools are required to use when they need to conduct a controlled and safe release of students to parents or guardians following an emergency or other significant disruption to the normal school schedule. On this episode of the Supercast, we dive into the most important details of Reunification. We'll explain why understanding how Reunification works can help us get students safely back home to loved ones in an emergency situation. We're talking today with Lance Everill, our Emergency Operations Manager. Lance, thanks for taking time again to be on the Supercast.

Lance Everill:
Good morning. It's my pleasure to be here.

Anthony Godfrey:
Lance does a ton of great work to keep us all safe, and students in particular, here in Jordan School District as you've heard on previous podcast episodes. If you've been listening in. We wanted to talk with him today about the Reunification process. What it is, when we might use that process, and what it will look like, first of all, from a parent's perspective. I want to remind everyone, this is just one aspect of what we do to keep kids safe and to keep our employees safe. So many different things can possibly happen when we have as many students and employees and buildings as we do, and so we have to be prepared for anything. So it's rare that we need to use this procedure, but we really want to be sure that we have it in place, and that we've trained well, and that we're prepared if we do need it. So, Lance, would you mind starting out just telling us about what Reunification is and when we might need it?

Lance Everill:
So a Reunification would be a time when we have to release students either earlier than a normal release time or later than a normal release time. And this would be because there's some type of an emergency or disruption to the normal school day schedule that would cause us to have to do that. Now, that's obviously not what we want to do is to release students at a time different than normal. And the reason is, is because at that normal release time, the whole rest of the world outside of the school district and the school, lines up to meet and greet, and receive, and pick up, and babysitters, and family members, and neighbors, and whomever might have that charge to take care of those kids. So ideally, we always release that normal end of the school day, but we do have the ability to then release early or later if it's warranted.

Anthony Godfrey:
We only need Reunification after something has happened at the school that requires us, as you said, to either keep kids in place beyond the end of the school day or to release them early. And there can be any number of reasons for that. But there's been communication to parents before Reunification happens about what's happening at the school.

Lance Everill:
Yes. Yeah, so we have multiple means to do that. The most common way that the District communicates with parents is through the Skylert Messaging System. So all parents and guardians should have an opportunity beforehand to identify the best means that they can receive those Skylert messages related to all kinds of school business. And in this circumstance, obviously related to a school specific emergency where we needed the parents to be aware and then if we needed to enact a Reunification.

Anthony Godfrey:
So let's go through a scenario. Let's say that there is construction going on around the school and workers hit a gas line, and we start to smell that in the school. So we know that we can't continue the school day. Talk me through what may happen as a result of that.

Lance Everill:
So the first response would be to do a shelter in place, which is a response to the chemical spill outside, if you will. So we would try to stay in the building as long as we could, as long as it's safe. So the first reaction the school would have would be to shut down the air handlers to prevent the outside air from coming in. So we're not bringing in noxious air into our students and staff in the occupied spaces. If for some reason it got so bad that law enforcement and the fire department determine as a public safety issue, we can't stay at the school property. Now, keep in mind, we always want to stay at the school property if and when it's safe to do so, because it's all of our tools, our controls, our food, our water, restrooms, everything that we need to sustain, plus our background checked people. But in the interest of immediate life safety, if it's determined that we have to exit the property altogether, all schools have identified a secondary evacuation location that's just for immediate life safety. Let's get to a church house, or a local business just down the street, or the school next door, where we have an understanding that we can relocate in the interim.

Anthony Godfrey:
And many times we are able to dispatch buses very quickly and get kids loaded onto buses. We have people in the office that can drive. We do have some spare buses. So in case of an emergency, I've also seen us scramble and just get kids on buses quickly.

Lance Everill:
Yes. And that is a great option because the last thing we wanna do is have our kids stuck in a parking lot somewhere or a park just down the street for an extended period of time. Naturally, there's going to be needs that everyone has with using restrooms, food and water. Also, the nice thing about what you're saying is if we can transport kids from that secondary evacuation location to another one of the Jordan School District facilities, let's say a middle school or a high school down the street that has a large auditorium or a large gymnasium, cafeteria that they can help us house the student body in. Then we all of a sudden have gotten our kids back within a Jordan School District facility again, with our controls, our food, our water, our people, our background checked people, and then that way we're not also imposing on a local business.
Anthony Godfrey:
I can think of some specific examples where we've pulled kids to say the auditorium at a high school, and what do we do? We continue instruction. We've actually been able to hold onto kids, we get the problem solved, and we bring them back to the school. But for purposes of this discussion, let's say that we aren't able to return kids to school. We determine that we need to end the day and we can't continue instruction. And let's just, for the sake of argument, assume that they're still at the school, but we, and, and they're safe for the time being, but we know that we need to reunify them with parents and guardians for the remainder of the day. So talk me through what that looks like as a parent. They've probably already received a notice that we've been alerted of a gas leak. We're working on that. Once we determine that Reunification is necessary, then what does it look like from a parent's perspective?

Lance Everill:
So I think the parents, one of the first things we'll do is just to reassure them that everybody's safe and that the emergency or the disruption has been handled, like you're saying. But now we've determined that we have to reunify them either earlier or later than the normal release time. So part of that process is, is we can notify parents in advance. The District has produced about a six to seven minute long video that's housed on the Auxiliary Services website, under the Incident Command page that's strictly for parents and guardians to view. And it gives them some information in advance of an emergency of what they could expect in this type of a circumstance. So it talks about staying home, staying informed, and being ready. When we talk about being ready, that means knowing that I will be called to come to the school or the Reunification location to pick up the child accordingly. So when they are notified that they can come to the school or wherever that Reunification center is, that they will come as directed by the school, bring their ID, and then we have a process that we help cycle them through so they can get their kid and take their kid home for the day.

Anthony Godfrey:
Talk us through what that looks like on our end, on the school's end. What are the things we're doing to be sure that students go home with their family?

Lance Everill:
So one of the most important things about schools directing parents and guardians to watch this Reunification video in advance, is because it talks about how important it is for us to try and be as orderly as we can when coming to pick up kids. Because you have to imagine that whatever the disruption was or the potential emergency that occurred during the day, there's probably a heightened sense of emotion in all those parents and guardians as well. And they're eager to get home or eager to get to the school to pick up their child. So an important thing for them to understand is that this is a meticulous process. There's nothing more important for the school and the school district than student life safety and student accountability.

A good thing that parents and guardians can do in advance of this, is to make sure that in their student Skyward records, that they've identified multiple people that they authorize to be able to check out their child in case of an emergency or other type of need. That really helps because if we're released, if we have to reunify students before the end of the school day, a lot of parents might be at work. They might be stuck in meetings. They could even be in the next county related to their business. So that becomes extremely hard for them to then break away from that and make it all the way out to the school then to go through the Reunification process. Additionally, because of that heightened sense of excitement, they might be, ‘I can't wait half an hour. I can't wait 45 minutes. I need to know that my child is safe now.’ So it's really helpful when they keep those checkout rights in the student skyward records updated and with as many people as that they are comfortable listing.

So when the parents then come, they will be greeted at the school, and told where they can line up and what to prepare for. We have a student Reunification Checkout Card that we provide to every parent or guardian that they fill out who their student is. Then when they check in at the school, they have an opportunity to then show their ID so the school can verify who the person is and then verify within the Skyward that they have the right to pick up the child. Once we've verified that, then the parents are directed to a spot to wait for the kid, the Reunification center or the Reunification area. Then a runner takes this verified student checkout card to the applicable teacher area where the kid is, notifies the teacher that they're picking up this particular student, and then they go to the Reunification area to reunify the student with the parent or guardian. At that point, what's really important is that we take that student checkout card and we mark on there, indicating that the student was reunified with that parent or guardian. That becomes our accountability process because we have records of the student coming to school. We took accountability and attendance related to the emergency, and then we are doing this final accounting once the student is checked out and reunified with that parent or guardian.

Anthony Godfrey:
And when do they fill out this form?

Lance Everill:
There's a couple of different ways they can do that. Part of our Reunification video online advises them that if they want, they can fill out the bulk of it in advance and they can do it online. We have these forms available online for parents and guardians, both in English and Spanish. We do have a form fillable document on there. They could fill out the basics of the information in advance, and they could even keep it in an appropriate place. Their glove box, their wallet, their purse, or something like that. And then related to if we do have an emergency, they just have to update it with the current date and the current time, and maybe just a little basic information. Otherwise, the school can provide these checkout cards when the parents arrive and they're greeted by the greeters. They'll be handed a checkout card that they can fill out, and then our checkers can then verify the ID and check out rights within Student Skyward.

Anthony Godfrey:
We'll provide a link to the video so that parents can watch that, and a link to the form as well in our show notes. As you pointed out, Lance, it's a time of heightened emotion, but this can take some time. And it can take some time because it's so vital that we make sure students are connected with their family appropriately. I think it's worth the time investment to be sure we do that the right way.

Lance Everill:
Right, and I know that parents and guardians expect that of us. They expect us to have constant accountability of their kids while they're in our care. And then once we turn them over, they would expect that we would keep meticulous records. What we can't afford is to have somebody bypass the checkout process. Whether that's the parent or guardian, they bypass our process, or the student bypasses and sees them, you know, in the parking lot and then runs away. And then we're like, ‘Well, where's little Johnny or Jane’ or whomever? So it's really important and we want them to support us that there's nothing more important to us than the safety and accountability of their child.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us when we come back more on what you need to know about Reunification in a crisis.

Hello, I'm Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications for Jordan School District, and we want to invite you to connect with us. So many exciting things are happening in your child's school, your neighbor's school, in every school here, every day. Don't miss out on following the fun or simply staying informed when there's important information we need to share. Join us at, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @jordandistrict. We can't wait to connect.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell me, on the school end of things, what does it look like? What are some of the roles that we have in place? You talked about a runner, you talked about a checker that can check IDs. What are some of the roles that are in place in case of Reunification?

Lance Everill:
So as part of our incident command process, we have roles identified at the school in advance to deal with all those various emergencies that could occur during a school day. Such as the Incident Commander, Documentation, Safety person, and so forth. Once the emergency has been handled and that we feel like that the scene is safe and everybody's accounted for and we're ready to enact a Reunification, the school can prop up some additional roles that are specific to Reunification. Such as greeters that welcome the parents when they get there. Checkers that check the parent's or guardian's ID, and verify that against the student's Skyward records. We have runners that then go to retrieve the student once the checkout rights have been verified.

We also have a special circumstance person that might be identified that we can pull parents off to the side that maybe have unique circumstances like English as a second language, or they don't have their ID. There might be some type of other medical issue that's occurring. So we want people to be able to attend those parents and guardians specifically to try and meet their needs in an expedited process as well.

We also might have an activity coordinator identified at the school to try and engage the students productively in some type of activity if they're not able to stay in their classrooms in the building. This helps minimize stress because we're keeping people engaged in activities. We want to keep the activity at that moment while we're waiting to reunify. We want to keep things as normal as we possibly can to bring everybody's stress level down to engage students so they don't worry unnecessarily. And then we also need to potentially have crisis counselors from the District queued up and ready to go just in case there's any type of traumatic things that we need to attend to with students and staff.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thank you for putting together such a thorough plan. And as you go through the roles, I'm reminded that every time there's an emergency, we are in great contact with fire and police. You work really hard at those relationships and we continue to be complimented on the work you've done to establish a close connection with all of our emergency services in all the municipalities that serve Jordan District. So thank you for making that such an essential part of, of what we do as a district, connecting with those emergency services is essential to effectively keeping everyone safe.

Lance Everill:
Yes. Just so everybody understands, we have a team of about 23-24 people just on the District Fire, Safety and Security side of this conversation. All these people. We have somebody on duty 24-7, 365. And so we are there to support schools and these types of efforts. And that's just talking about just on the district level, and we can get a lot more district employees engaged if we need to. But what you're talking about with that involvement with police and fire, we work really hard in our huge team at the Auxiliary Services in the district office to engage with them and plan appropriately. But the amount of work that the schools are doing with their School Resource Officer, and their DARE officer, and their local fire agency is tremendous. And a big part of what they do is invite them out to their drills so they have an understanding of what they're doing and also get some of their input on things like, ‘Hey, how can we improve things?  And what can we do better from your professional perspective?’

Anthony Godfrey:
Lance, I appreciate that explanation of our relationship with emergency services. I think that's, like I said, it's really important to our success and you work very hard at that. And I know that they were involved in modifying this Reunification plan to meet the needs of Jordan because we need them to be on board with the plan as well. So they were part of developing it from a best practice national model used throughout the country. So this has some really good backing this, this Reunification plan. It isn't just one person sitting in an office putting this together.

Hopefully we need to use it very rarely, but I just appreciate your continual focus on student safety. Parents out there who may be wondering, ‘Hey, what happens if this happens or that happens?’ You are always thinking about that. I really appreciate that you've had such a laser focus on all of the what ifs and we go about our daily business. We make sure that we're well trained, but you are always thinking about what could happen and what we need to be doing to be as prepared as possible.

Just to summarize, I appreciate your advice here to parents and that is to watch the video, be aware of that form, and if something does happen in that unlikely situation, just be ready to hear from the school about when to come and pick your child up. In most cases, we are able to continue the school day. We're able to keep kids safe. We keep parents informed, but mostly we can keep kids at school. But in the rare case, when we need parents to come, making it clear to them where to come and when to be there, I think can give a lot of comfort just for parents to know that we have that in place.

Lance Everill:
That's one of the biggest things we're really trying to accomplish. We're trying to inform everyone. And when we talk about responding to an emergency or enacting a Reunification from a school, it's not just about the students and the staff, it's obviously about the parents, guardians, and community members as well. So when we're all well informed, we've had an opportunity in a non chaotic moment to learn and understand the why. Why are we doing this? Now that we all buy into the why, how do we do it? When we all understand why and how we are going to make this happen, it's going to work in a much more efficient way while maintaining a safe environment, student safety and proper accountability.

Anthony Godfrey:
Like you said, we just have to stay focused on the purpose. The purpose is to keep kids safe and when necessary, reunify them with their family during the school day or after the school day. It's student safety and it's the peace of mind of parents that are at the forefront. Well, thank you again to you and your team, a large team, which if this happens, is gonna be on site, helping make sure that things go smoothly. You guys are always quick to respond and to be there for small incidents, for large incidents. And I really appreciate your responsiveness.

Lance Everill:
Well, thank you so much. And like I said, it's been a team effort. And we really rely on our professional emergency management and first responder community to give us best practice direction.

Anthony Godfrey:
As I like to say, we all have different roles, but the same goals, and that goal is student safety.

Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.

It is an opportunity like no other for students to grow their talents and perfect their skills creating beautiful flower arrangements for actual weddings and other special events around town.

On this episode of the Supercast, find out what the Floriculture program at Mountain Ridge High School is all about and how a career focused bridal bouquet and flower arranging business is helping students see a clear path to a promising profession.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello, and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. It is an opportunity like no other for students to grow their talents and perfect their skills, creating beautiful flower arrangements for actual weddings and other special events around town. On this episode of the Supercast, find out what the Floriculture program at Mountain Ridge High School is all about, and see how a career focused bridal bouquet and flower arranging business class is helping students see a clear path to a promising profession.

We're here with Mrs. Neil in her Floriculture class, preparing for a wedding, actually a wedding of a former student of hers.

Alisha Neil:
Former student. We're in full swing,

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. That's what we were hoping for.

Alisha Neil:

Anthony Godfrey:
All right.

Alisha Neil:
So each group, I'll give you a copy of their form, but each group has been assigned a different aspect of the wedding to work on. So last time in class we talked about the bride's colors for a general theme, the flowers we're using in particular, and today's demo day. So what that means is each kid is making a sample of one thing that we'll make for the final wedding next time.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, I see.

Alisha Neil:
And so they're going through, and like, if they're in charge of the groomsmen's boutonnieres, I'll get five copies of those today, and then we'll decide as a group which one we like best to make for next time.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, so after today, then will you work with the bride to see what she likes?

Alisha Neil:
Yes. So this bride, well actually the groom, is an older brother of a student I had last year. And this bride is pretty chill. We've made a couple things for her  in the past, and she's given me full reign and said, ‘I trust you. We'll just be there to pick it up on Wednesday.’

Anthony Godfrey:
So the demo is just to see what you're going to create? But it doesn't necessarily have to make it through her anymore?

Alisha Neil:
No, nope.

Anthony Godfrey:
She's just turned over to you.

Alisha Neil:
Yep. She's given us our creative liberty.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's a lot of trust.

Alisha Neil:
It is. But the demo is because I know what I would create, but the kids are more creative than I am. And so they will take the colors and the flowers and the other things that are going on, what the grooms or groomsmen or bridesmaids are wearing, and they'll add accents that I wouldn't think of or do the flowers a little differently than I would. And then we select which one we think fits the theme best, and then make that for next time.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell me everything that you're doing for the wedding right now. You're doing boutonnieres for the groomsmen.

Alisha Neil:
Yep. The bride's bouquet is done. We did that out of artificial flowers a week ago.

Anthony Godfrey:
And what does that look like? Oh, is this the one in the photo there?

Alisha Neil:
Yeah, it's the picture up there, up front.

Anthony Godfrey:
So describe that for those who are listening.

Alisha Neil:
Yes. So, her colors are burgundy, white, offwhite, forest green, and kind of a sage. So she used roses. We used some ranunculus. We use chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, and some dried pampas grass, which is a new thing. I'm not saying we actually stole from a church parking lot, but we did.

Anthony Godfrey:
Dried pampas grass? From a church parking lot.

Alisha Neil:
From a church parking lot.

Anthony Godfrey:
At a location not to be disclosed.

Alisha Neil:
Not to be disclosed. But my bishop knows where things happen, and he was like, ‘Oh, Alicia's at it again.’ So we're using a combination of silk flowers and artificial flowers for the actual wedding with more of the real flowers because of the scent. So this bride chose a lot of things. She's got some rosemary in there. She's got eucalyptus. So things that smell really nice.

Anthony Godfrey:
It’s very fragrant. I didn't realize that you would ever combine the two. I didn't think of that. So you use the artificial flowers to help it pop and last, maybe? And you use the natural flowers and what's the term for the greenery?

Alisha Neil:
Live greenery. Yeah, live greenery.

Anthony Godfrey:
Live greenery.

Alisha Neil:
So the artificial flowers have gotten so good lately that a lot of times you can't tell the artificial from the live. And so we mix them a lot of times if things are out of season. So for example, like some of the pampas grass is starting to fade right now. So if I needed to use that in the spring when it's not available, I can use artificial as the filler in between.

Anthony Godfrey:
Artificial pampas grass. Was that like a Kickstarter campaign?

Alisha Neil:
I’m sure it had to have been somebody's.

Anthony Godfrey:
I've got this big idea. What is it? I'm going to make artificial dried pampas grass.

Alisha Neil:
Oh yeah. And pampas grass is very popular at the moment.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. Listeners, ideas are out there for the taking. If you can only wrap your mind around it. So, what are some of the concepts behind good flower arranging?

Alisha Neil:
So, the students in this class, we have already learned all the floral tools because you need to use specific tools on specific things. So you're not gonna use your wire cutters to cut fresh floral stems, because you'll crush them and destroy them. They've learned taping, they've learned principles and elements of design. So they've learned about balance, color use, unity, texture, all those kinds of things.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about taping.

Alisha Neil:
So floral tape, these kids will tell you that they hate it.

Anthony Godfrey:
Is this over here? Is this the green stuff over here?

Alisha Neil:
This is the green stuff.

Anthony Godfrey:
Let's check it out.

Alisha Neil:
So, floral tape.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, I just got into the fragrance zone. Like, I couldn't smell the flowers there, and now I can. Wow, that smells great.

Alisha Neil:
Yeah, there's some good stuff. And she, this bride, also chose to use Holland roses. So her roses are from Holland. They are a more natural rose, and they have the natural rose scent. So if we get our roses from South America or California, we don't get as much of that scent to them because they're hybridized for long shelf life, or a specific color. But these Holland roses have that rose scent.

Anthony Godfrey:
I am learning a lot. Now she's chill, but she wants roses from Holland. So she does know what she wants.

Alisha Neil:
She does know what she wants. We talked through it and she agreed that's what she wanted.

Anthony Godfrey:
Holland roses. Wow. That's fantastic.

Alisha Neil:
The floral tape is actually made of a paper mache like material, and then coated in paraffin wax. It comes in different colors, different shades of green.

Anthony Godfrey:
Does it stick to itself?

Alisha Neil:
It will only stick. So, Sabrina, do you wanna show him the magic of the floral tape? This is Sabrina. So stretch it, now, stick it to something.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, only when you stretch it. May I? All right. Let's see how I do now.

Alisha Neil:
So only when it's stretched, will it be activated and then it will stick to itself or to other materials.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. Huh? Oh, I broke it.

Alisha Neil:
That's fine.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Oh, I broke it again. All right. Clearly I need to sit in your class before I do this.

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. So, the floral tape is a hard skill to learn because often when you're trying to get that stretch, you tear it the first time. But these guys made floral crowns about two weeks ago and did a great job with them. But we did that to teach that taping skill along with where are we placing this and how am I going to make it look natural without showing the wire or the tape.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Yeah. So you've gotta have all the backstage stuff that stays backstage. And how do you use the wire?

Alisha Neil:
So, floral wire, these guys are gonna use it in a couple different ways. If we were making a big spray bouquet.

Anthony Godfrey:
This is the floral wire right here?

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. This is the floral wire. This is 22 gauge floral wire. So it's a medium light thickness.

Anthony Godfrey:
So when you talk about 22 gauge, you're talking about something different than many other people might be. So 22 gauge floral wire. And tell me again how this is used.

Alisha Neil:
So they are gonna use this as the base in our corsages and boutonnieres. If they were doing a large spray, like a standing spray, we'd use it to wire the roses and hold them in a specific position. But where we're doing small hand tied bouquets, we're not gonna use 'em for that. But when they put the wire in the flowers, so in this case in our roses or our carnations or chrysanthemums, they're going to create an artificial bendability to those flowers so that we can adjust them slightly. So they lay on the lapel or on the wrist at just a slight angle. So we're creating kind of an artificial stem. We put the wire in tape down the stem, and like I said, kind of create an artificial angle or stem so that we can bend them and make them look the way we want.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. And this looks really pretty. Even what they're working on at the table looks great. What's the white stuff there that looks like an ice queen touched it?

Alisha Neil:
That's bleached ruscus. So Italian ruscus is the dark green that's next to it. You can see her on the table, and that's the bleached version. So bleached or blanched flowers are really popular right now, and they actually put the stems in bleach and suck all the color out of them.

Anthony Godfrey:
Wow. I'm quite overwhelmed at all of this. It's a big deal. Okay. Let me ask you this, kind of off topic, but what advice do you have for people who are buying flowers for a significant other?

Alisha Neil:
Well, there was a poster in my classroom at USU, at Utah State University that said, ‘How mad is she?’ And it had flowers, it was the same arrangement, but in different sizes. So you gotta take that into account when you're buying flowers.

Anthony Godfrey:
That's solid advice.

Alisha Neil:
There's been a big movement in the floral industry about sustainability and using local flowers. So if that's important to you there's some flower shops here in the valley that are using locally sourced items and only seasonal items. So they're not getting flowers from Holland or from South America.

Anthony Godfrey:
For a wedding you go all out. I understand that.

Alisha Neil:
For a wedding, you do what the bride wants. And we don't ask questions. Yep. We just fit her budget to what we can do and give her the best we can. But yeah, if that's important to you, you can think about that. I always like to shop local. There's some really good local florist and florist shops around, and most of them are really willing to work within your budget. If you say, ‘Hey, she's this mad and my budget is this much’, and they'll make it as best they can to that.

Anthony Godfrey:
Is this just ribbon? That's part of the arrangement?

Alisha Neil:
Yep. Last time in class we were practicing the floral bows, which are actually quite challenging. So this is Ivy's floral bow from last time.

Anthony Godfrey:
You don't have to convince me that they're challenging. I believe you. I believe you.

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. They are challenging. And I give them this fabric ribbon to start with, because it is very forgiving, but it's also hard to do unless you get the technique just right.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. So show me. Loop, you loop, and then you twist?

Alisha Neil:
Start with the tail, however long you want the tail to be. You loop it around your thumb and pinch between two fingers, and then you twist it. And that is to give it that crease, but also on some ribbon we have a shiny side and a dull side. This one we don't. But to keep the shiny side up.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us. When we come back, more fun with students in the Floriculture program at Mountain Ridge High.

Hello, I'm Tracy Miller, President of the Jordan School District Board of Education. There are seven members on the Board of Education, one in each voting district. We are committed to listening and serving our constituents as we work together to provide the best possible learning environment for the students we serve. As members of the Jordan Board of Education, we believe it is our duty and responsibility to: increase student achievement; provide parents with the choices they deserve and desire; recognize and reward quality in educators; empower school leaders through policy governance and professional development; and communicate with the public, legislators, business leaders, cities, and parents. We invite you to get to know the Board member who represents you in your voting district, and to please join us at our monthly board meeting held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Or listen from the comfort of your home, on our live stream. For more information and to find your Board member, visit With parent and community input and support we will continue our work to give students every opportunity to succeed in Jordan District schools and beyond. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Anthony Godfrey:
So tell me about employment. Are there some of your students who go out and look for employment in floral shops?

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. So one of my students from two years ago is doing flowers on her own. It's her second job. But she does flowers for all the high school dances and she's come and helped me on a couple weddings during the summer. And then I have a student currently who is on the Floriculture team. So we have a team in FFA that competes with floral design.

Anthony Godfrey:
There's a floriculture competition?

Alisha Neil:
There's a floriculture competition, there’s a floriculture team. So she's on the team and she's working at Harmon's right now and is a floral assistant. So she's not the head designer, but she goes through and helps when they have dances and proms and big things. Big funeral arrangements or things to do, or for holidays, Mother's Day, stuff like that. She's there helping the florist there.

Anthony Godfrey:
Do you have floriculture emergencies from time to time?

Alisha Neil:
Occasionally. Now, when we prep a wedding like this, I will send an extra pair of wires, extra pins, extra tape, a little bit of ribbon, and some extra flowers with the family.

Anthony Godfrey:
Because they, well, I forgot Uncle Ned. Uncle Ned needs a flower.

Alisha Neil:
Yes, yes. We always do that. So we always send a couple extras. And the nice thing is most of the weddings we've done has been for family members or former students. And so they know a little bit and they can fill those gaps or patch things. I had a crash. We had this big spray over this chevron wood board and the line snapped and it crashed in the middle. Not in the ceremony, thank heavens, but during the reception. So I sprinted over there with some more fishing line and got it hooked back up and it was fine. But that's been the only major crash so far.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, I ask about the emergencies because these are high stakes events that you're making these flowers for.

Alisha Neil:
They are.

Anthony Godfrey:
There's not a margin for error.

Alisha Neil:
Well, I've been really lucky. None of the brides I've worked with have been bridezillas for a long time. And so most of them have been very happy. And they understand there's a little bit of a risk in having students do your wedding, and having students do your wedding work. But the cost is lower because we do it at cost for them because I have free labor here, and the kids are learning. So there's that little bit of a trade off. They're gonna get a little cheaper than they would if they did it at a florist shop, but there is that risk involved.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think a couple of students in the background just realized that they're free labor.

Alisha Neil:
Oh yes, they did. They were like, ‘What?’

Anthony Godfrey:
Sorry. Are we in the way of you making progress?

No, you’re totally fine.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about these scissors, like huge handled, tiny blades. What do you use these scissors for?

Those are like floral cutters.. So you use them to cut like plants off of their stem or like cut off leaves just so that you're not like twisting them off.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, I tend to twist them off.

It’s just much easier and faster.

Anthony Godfrey:
I use regular scissors that probably crush the stem. Is that what you're trying to avoid?

Yeah, this keeps it all nice and clean.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. All right. Very nice. Is it gonna be harder for someone to buy flowers for any of you? Because you're gonna be very discriminating and you're going to look at the bouquet and say, ‘Well, that was a very nice effort, but I really don't like the fill flowers that they chose.’

Oh, 100%.

For sure, no.


Anthony Godfrey:
You're tougher to please now I understand that.

Oh, yeah.

We’re the experts.

Alisha Neil:
My husband knows not to buy me flowers. That’s just a no.

Anthony Godfrey:
He just knows that's not gonna fly.

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. He's like, ‘Nope, I'm not gonna do that.’

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. So these are pixie carnations?

Alisha Neil:
Pixie carnations.

Anthony Godfrey:
And have these just opened up more than these?

Alisha Neil:
Right. So this one is a little bit more open than this. Carnations are lovely because we can cheat. So see how tight this one is?

Anthony Godfrey:
See how tight this one is?

Alisha Neil:
Yeah. This one's all still buddy. You can just take your thumb.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, so you can open it up. You don't have to wait for it.

Alisha Neil:

Yeah, you can cheat carnations.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right, I wanna ask each of you, after being in this class, what is your favorite flower?

Student #1:

Oh, purple daisies.

Anthony Godfrey:

Purple daisies. Now are daisies dyed purple or are they?

Student #1:
No, just like natural.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, there are natural purple daisies?

Student #1:
Yeah. Natural purple daisies.

Anthony Gedfrey:
And was that your favorite before you took this class? Or has it always been your favorite?

Student #1:
It's always been my favorite.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. All right.

Student #2:
I like Siberian Irises.

Anthony Godfrey:
Siberian Irises. And what do Siberian Irises look like?

Student #2:
A mess. No, they're, I don't know how to describe them. They've got, I don't know how to describe them.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay, listeners will Google the Siberian Iris.

Student #2:
They're like a purpley color most of the time. Darker colors is usually what they are..

Anthony Godfrey:
And they're a mess. What do you mean? Does it kinda look like they're falling apart or?

Student #2:
A little bit, yeah.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. And did you know about Siberian Irises before this class? So you were a, what do you call a flower junkie? A flower-y? Before this?

Student #2:
A little bit.

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. How about you?

Student #3:
I like baby's breath. I think it's just really pretty.

Anthony Godfrey:
Baby's breath. Okay.

Student #3:
It’s that one right there.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yeah. This one? Yeah. Okay. Very nice. Very delicate lacy looking. Yeah. Okay. How about you?

Student #4:
I like the zebra plant.

Anthony Godfrey:
The zebra plant?
Student #4:
It's like a big plant and the leaves have like stripes on them. Like white stripes, so it looks like a zebra.

Anthony Godfrey:
And do you ever use that in an arrangement sometimes?

Student #4:
Not yet, but we've learned about it.

Anthony Godfrey:
But you can, they are used for that?

Student #4:

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Very good. I did not know about any of these except baby's breath, so I'm learning. All right. What made you want to take a floriculture class?

Student #5:
I've always loved flowers and it's my senior year, so I had some room in my schedule. I go to a whole lot of dances and so I wanted to learn how to make my own boutonnieres.

Anthony Godfrey:
And do you do that now?

Student #5:
I can. We learned last time how to make boutonnieres.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, great. So you're ready to go.

Student #5:
I guess so.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now, would you ever do your own flowers for your wedding? Or is that kind of like being an attorney representing yourself? You never want to do that.

Student #6:
You could, right? I would love to. I've also thought about doing my own cake for my wedding, because I went through like a baking phase. It would depend how stressed I am though. I feel like I wouldn't have very much time if I was getting married.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you might need to back up.

Student #6:
I might need a back up.

Anthony Godfrey:
Like, if the stress overwhelms me, then I'm gonna have to get somebody to bake and to flower for me.

Student #6:
Yeah. I might have to pay somebody, but I would love to if I had time.

Anthony Godfrey:
What do you like most about Floriculture?

Student #6:
Working with the flowers. When we do arrangements like this,

Anthony Godfrey:
Are there some flowers you learned about that you didn't know about before?

Student #6:
Oh yeah. So we're learning a hundred or so, 140 flowers throughout this class. She gave us a list of flowers to look at and when I first looked at it, I didn't know any of them. I recognized a couple names.

Anthony Godfrey:
I think I need to develop a favorite flower. I think I need to look at the 140 and decide for myself. What's your favorite?

Student #7:
I like daisies and chrysanthemums a lot. My favorite since this class, Mrs. Neil's gonna hate me. Baby's breath, just because I see it all the time and I didn't know what it was called. I never really recognized it until I took this class. And so now I see it like all the time.

Anthony Godfrey:
But that's the beauty of a good class is where you learn about something that you've always seen, but never known quite what it was. And what are you doing right now? What is this called?

Student #7:

Anthony Godfrey:

Student #7:
Stripping. So this is gonna be a part of the handle of the bouquet. You can't really hold this part because it has like leaves on it. So I'm just making it so there's just a stem.

Anthony Godfrey:

We talked about all the work that these kids have been doing. It sounds like there's art, there's math, there's all kinds of stuff layered into floriculture.

Alisha Neil:
There is a lot. We first start with plant science. So they need to understand the science of plants. So if we're gonna care for live flowers, they need to understand a little bit about them. We get into different types and families of plants, genus and species because they need to know the genus and species for scientific names. So we talk about things like mosses, ferns, liverworts, things of that nature. Pines, gymnosperms, and then into the flowering plants, which are called angiosperms, which is most of the plant life that we see. Then we get into elements of design, which is the same thing they're teaching in the art classes. We're talking about color theory, we're talking about balance and unity and harmony and those kinds of elements. Scale, proportion, that kind of stuff. So they get a little science, they get a little art. And then the technical hands on skills is a big deal too.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, this is awesome. Thank you very much for spending time with us and letting us drop in on a high stakes job.

Alisha Neil:
You're welcome. Thanks for coming out.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.

They are hair and nail designs custom-made for a horrifying Halloween competition.

On this episode of the Supercast, we take you inside the JATC South in Riverton where Hair Design and Nail Tech students get really creative in a costume contest like no other. Find out how they put their talents to the test in a timed competition that resulted in some scary hairdos and outrageous nail designs.

Audio Transcription

Anthony Godfrey:
Hello and welcome to the Supercast. I'm your host, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. They are hair and nail designs custom-made for a horrifying Halloween competition. On this episode of the Supercast we take you inside the Jordan Academy for Technology and Careers in Riverton, where hair design and nail tech students get creative in a costume contest like no other. Find out how they put their talents to the test in a timed competition that resulted in some scary hairdos and outrageous nail designs.

We're here with Shannon Mechling at JATC South to learn more about the Hair and Nails Halloween Competition. Tell me about how the competition works and about the theme for this year.

Shannon Mechling:
So the students are all assigned a theme we choose as a group, and the theme this year was legends and fables before 1900.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh ok.

Shannon Mechling:
So they had to pick a fable or a legend and plan their theme, and then the team had to execute the hair, the nails, the makeup, the costume as a team. They had to do a little bit of preparation work with diagrams and research, and then go ahead and put the design. And it gives them a chance to be really creative.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now the student who has chosen to be decorated and to be in the costume, is that a place of honor or would people rather be applying rather than be applied to?

Shannon Mechling:
That probably is a team question. You know, it's probably a 50/50. It is as much fun doing the application of the hair, the nails or the skin as it is being chosen to be the model, but they kind of work that out as a team. It's kind of fun when we get to put two classes together, well actually three, hair, barbering, and nails, and let them work together as a team. It introduces team working skills and then the soft skills communicating what they're trying to execute as far as their design and theme, and then just watching the follow through is just a riot. I think it's great. And I am so proud of all these kids and their talent and abilities.

Anthony Godfrey:
There's obviously a lot of talent and a ton of hard work that's gone into this. Tell me what are some of the prizes or titles available?

Shannon Mechling:
So we do a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the AM class and the PM class. And then we have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize for hair and nails. And it's usually stuff that pertains to the class, nail products, hair products, different things. They get a little bit of bragging rights for being able to be in the top three. I would hate to have to pick because every team, every student is working really hard to perform and do what the competition requires. So we're just grateful and thankful that they all step up to the plate and do their thing. And it is really fun.

Anthony Godfrey:
They've done a fabulous job. It's really overwhelming to see the finished product here. So there are no, like most terrifying prize or?

Shannon Mechling:
Well, we do different things. We try to keep it a little g-rated because sometimes we have preschoolers and different kids, so they can't bring weapons or anything like that along. So it pretty much is their creative idea of whatever goes.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. That's true.

Shannon Mechling:
We don't put too many limits, just a few of them.

Anthony Godfrey:
And by combining people from various classes. Yep. I mean, these teams could go on to open their own salon together and be a full service salon.

Shannon Mechling:
A lot of them do.

Anthony Godfrey:
Do they?

Shannon Mechling:
Yeah. I have a couple students right now that are looking to team up in a salon to work. So yes, it is great to watch where they go and what they do when they finish up school and get their licensing. And we have a pretty high percentage of students that do that, so we're proud of that fact too.

Anthony Godfrey:
That does not surprise me. Now tell me who judges the competition today?

Shannon Mechling:
So we usually have manufacturer reps come in to judge the competitions. People in the industry that kind of have a little bit more detail as far as what's involved with hair, skin, and nails. And then sometimes we include the staff to come in and help us be impartial in their judging. So it works a little both ways. So it's just great for the school and great for the other students and faculty and we just try to make it pretty inclusive with all of them. We've had like greenhouse in with us that have done the competition before. We're gonna do welding in the spring because we're doing a flower fairy contest and we're gonna invite them with the hair and nails. So you gotta come back, look at that one.

Anthony Godfrey:
Get welding guys out there. Yeah. I like it. I like it. And I'm with you. I don't wanna be any part of any judging. That would be too hard walking through here. They've all done an amazing job.

Shannon Mechling:
I could judge, but I like to watch what everybody else sees and what the students are doing.

Anthony Godfrey:
How do you describe this aroma? Is it lacker and aerosol altogether? What's that combination? What's that fragrance?

Shannon Mechling:
I think you're smelling nail product. And you're smelling a lot of aerosols from hairspray.

Anthony Godfrey:
I guess I'll call it manmade.

Shannon Mechling:
It is all manmade. It is that. But look what they do with it.

Anthony Godfrey:
I know it's miraculous.

Shannon Mechling:
Hey, thank you so much.

Anthony Godfrey:
Thank you.
Time's winding down. Tell me what you guys are working on right now.

Student #1:
I'm doing the top buns on the hair. I don't know what.

Student #2:
I'm adding curls into the hairline cuz I'm almost done with the makeup.

Anthony Godfrey:
And you're just sitting still.

Student #3:
And I'm just sitting here looking pretty.

Student #2:
She puts her head up and down when I tell her to.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. You move your head the way you're supposed to.

Student #3:

Anthony Godfrey:
And nothing else?

Student #3:

Anthony Godfrey:
All right. Designed it.

Student #4:
Well, I picked it out. It's the candy witch from Hansel and Gretel. The one that tries to eat them and lures them to her candy house. But I guess this is the case where it goes wrong.

Anthony Godfrey:
And what drew you to wanting to be a witch that eats children?

Student #4:
Well, it's more so the candy.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, okay. Very good.

Student #4:
I love candy, more than children sometimes.

Anthony Godfrey:
Fair enough.

Student #4:
I just thought the candy would be a cute look.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now for those who can't see, you're in a pink dress. What is this material around the outside of that?

Student #4:
This is like tulle.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tulle. Okay. And you've got Starlight mints and taffy and suckers taped to you.

Student #4:
We've got it all.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. It's everywhere.

Student #4:
Sprinkles. blood even.

Anthony Godfrey:
Yes. Then there is blood involved.

Student #4:

Anthony Godfrey:
Is this the blood of the children you've consumed?

Student #4:
Yes. This is.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Fair enough. And you have sprinkles on your face?

Student #4:
Yes I do.

Anthony Godfrey:
It actually frames your face very nicely.

Student #4:
Thank you.

Anthony Godfrey:
How did you get the pink on your face? Because it almost looks like kind of highlighting and giving contour to your face.

Student #5:
Airbrushing and lots of pink eyeshadow and pink blush.

Anthony Godfrey:
Pink eyeshadow. Pink blush.

Student #4:
Mostly airbrushing it.

Anthony Godfrey:
What is the exact tone? Do you know the name of the tone? Is it like salmon or you know, is it named Paradise Dreams or?

Student #4

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, Peony. Well, that's not very poetic.

Student #5:
Yeah. And Like and Rad.

Anthony Godfrey:
What is it?

Student #5:
Like and Rad.

Anthony Godfrey:
Like and Rad. Okay. The color is in fact rad.

Student #4:
Yes it is.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, pink hair is being added to your actual hair and those are maybe the tightest curls I've seen in a long time. Those are ramen like curls right there.

Student #4:
We wanted, you know, the Shirley Temple look to go with it. And that's what we did.

Anthony Godfrey:
Good inspiration. So do you have to prioritize what you're going to do?

Student #4:
Pretty much. Do the basics first, then out all the fun stuff.

Anthony Godfrey:
Stay with us for more on the spectacular Halloween Hair and Nail Design Competition.

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Anthony Godfrey:
Are you guys close? Can I ask you what you're working on here? So tell me about the concept here.

Student #6:
So our character that we picked was Persephone and we're basically doing like a half goddess type of look because like, she's like the goddess of nature and whatever, and spring. So the other side is like if humans stay too long, like where Hades is at, then slowly turn to death. So then we just executed that and made her like half turning because like she's down there for so long.

Anthony Godfrey:
So you're cutting it close in other words, in this costume?

Student #6:

Anthony Godfrey:

Student #6:
Then for the nails we did like the nature, then like dark while she's still in the underworld.

Anthony Godfrey:
Those are long sharp nails, each with its own design. So can you describe the design on each nail for me?

Student #6:
So this first one has like gold foils and glitter underneath. And on top of it I have like 3D leaves that I sculpted myself. But basically that's just because she's like the goddess of nature again. And because it's like, I don't know, it just represents her a lot. Then this one is just like nature again, how it's like a thunderstorm while it's like on earth, how she controls it. Then this would be like her love for Hades. Like, it's like she was forced to love him. It's not actual, she just has to do it cuz she's forced to.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. You're very torn I see.

Student #6:

But this one is just like representing her while she's staying underneath, the underlayer basically.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay, that's it. So this is kind of from earth to Hades all the way down?

Student #6
Yes. Mm-Hmm.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. And what about the thumb then?

Student #6:
The thumb is just like, adds a little darkness, like you can't really

Anthony Godfrey:
Seems very ominous.

Student #6:
Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Anthony Godfrey:
And it's clear at the tip. Very mysterious. And are you okay with being only half goddess?

Student #7:
Yeah. Because I'm kind of forced into it. So it's like there's good in it but also bad because it's like a forced thing I guess.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. And did all of you design this together or which one of you was responsible for the design?

Student #6:
For the nails?

Anthony Godfrey:
Just the overall.

Student #6:
Oh, we all decided to do Persephone.

Anthony Godfrey:
And why Persephone?

Student #6:
Cause? It just seems like her story isn't really told. Like yeah, we talk about Hades and whatever, but there's no real representation with her story.

Anthony Godfrey:
Looks fabulous. Great job.

Student #6:
Thank you so much.

Anthony Godfrey:
You guys only have five minutes left, but can you tell me about your design?

Student #8:
So we did the tooth fairy, but pink edition.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, the pink edition. I've never run into her.

Student #8:
It's our own twist.

Anthony Godfrey:
I like it. Tell me about that. Why the tooth fairy? Did any of you have a particularly good or particularly bad tooth fairy experience?

Student #8:
No, only good.

Anthony Godfrey:
Only good. Okay. That's very on brand for the tooth fairy. So the pink tooth fairy. Tell me about this design.

Student #8:
I don't know, I feel like it's just more of a fancier look and we just wanted to do a tooth fairy, I guess.

Anthony Godfrey:
Tell me about the nails. This is 3D all the way.

Student #8:
Bailey's the one that did that. This one's a mouse cuz it all started off with a mouse. This is a wand. This is wings. This is money. And this is a shoe.

Student #9:
Don't ask me how that's a shoe.

Anthony Godfrey:
No, I can see the shoe. I see it.

Student #8:
There's money in this one. Like a piece of money.

Anthony Godfrey:
There's actually a piece of money in that. Wow. Oh yeah, I can see it. That's something. And is it both hands or just one?

Student #8:
Just one.

Anthony Godfrey:
Just one. Okay. That's part of the competition. And tell me about the hair design here. What are the elements of the design?

Student #9:
We have some braids back here. We added tinsel to the hair., just make it more sparkly and stand out. And then we added a bunch of pearls and glitter spray.

Anthony Godfrey:
Oh, and you have pearls lining the edge of your hair. Very nice. And how do you apply pearls to the forehead, cheek and ear? Asking for a friend.

Student #8:
So we just use that eyelash glue.

Anthony Godfrey:
Eyelash glue. Oh, well. Well done. Everything looks great. Good luck in the competition.

All right, we're talking to one of the judges. Introduce yourself to everybody.

Randi Beagley:
I am Randi Beagley. I'm the registrar here at JATC South.

Anthony Godfrey:
Now Randi, when you applied to be registrar, did they tell you that you were going to have to be judging really good hair and nail projects in this competition?

Randi Beagley:
I had no idea what I was up against. So it's been fun because we get to do an array of all kinds of different things here. So this has been fun.

Anthony Godfrey:
I'm sure throughout the building, various programs have different things that they want you to judge.

Randi Beagley:
All the time.

Anthony Godfrey:
Well, I'm not envious of you because that is going to be tough.

Randi Beagley:
It is.

Anthony Godfrey:
How do you approach this because you know these kids, you know how hard they've worked. How do you choose a winner?

Randi Beagley:
You know, I just kind of look at the overall time and effort they've put into this and the detail that they do. You can tell, some kids maybe just kind of threw it together at the last minute. Others have practiced this over and over and have really taken the time to put into it. So that's what I judge on specifically.

Anthony Godfrey:
Okay. Well good luck out there.

Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Supercast. Remember, education is the most important thing you'll do today. We'll see you out there.